Leafy green foods are some of the healthiest things you can consume. Apart from their fiber nature, they are filled with nutrients such as vitamins, and mineral elements. Examples of leafy greens include broccoli, spinach, mustard greens, kale, lettuce, green onions and so on. They are good for the general well-being, and also for maintaining a normal weight. It’s essential to consume these foods on a regular, if possible, on a daily basis. Your body will be missing out on a lot of nutrients if you don’t consume the best leafy greens you can eat. You might want to read these 20 top nutrition tips from the best nutritionist near me who can help you incorporate more leafy greens into your diet.

Apart from the vitamins and mineral elements in leafy green foods, they also contain antioxidants, and detoxifying properties, that can help to eliminate toxic materials from the body. This article focuses on the benefits of consuming this type of food, including helping you discover the best leafy greens you can eat.

What Are Benefits Of Eating Leafy Greens?

Leafy greens are abundant in nutrients and minerals. While it’s important to consume vegetables of different colors, the green leafy ones are essential. Below are some of the benefits of eating leafy greens;

  1. Vitamin K: Vitamin K is one of the most important vitamins to consume, because of the purpose it serves in the body. This vitamin is essential for blood clotting. It also aids the movement of calcium in the bloodstream. Vitamin K is needed for any calcium we consume to be effective. Therefore, Vitamin is required in order to have a blood clotting system, and also for the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Vitamin B: There are various types of vitamin B. These vitamins perform different functions in the body and are abundant in leafy greens. Examples of vitamin B is cyanocobalamin, which is essential for red cell production. The lack of this vitamin would lead to megaloblastic anemia. Folate is also another example of vitamin that is present in Vitamin B. It helps to protect the fetus during pregnancy against teratogenicity. It also prevents the embryo from having neural defects.
  3. Fiber: Leafy greens are rich in nutrients. This is good for the digestive tract, and the movement of food. It also helps to maintain a good weight.
  4. Calcium: Leafy green foods are rich in calcium. Calcium is essential for the musculoskeletal system, and also for blood clotting. Examples of leafy greens that are rich in calcium include spinach.
  5. Lutein: This is also abundant in leafy greens. It is an antioxidant, which helps in nourishing the skin, and also improving the eyes. This is possibly why people that consume a lot of leafy greens do have beautiful and glowing skins.

7 of the Best Leafy Greens You Can Eat

  1. Spinach: Spinach is one of the most common and available leafy green. It is a vegetable that is popularly consumed. It is rich in folate, and in other types of vitamins and elements. Studies have shown that the consumption of spinach is vital for cell division. Folate helps to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, especially in women. Apart from this, it’s also important for pregnant women, as it protects the fetus from developing neural defects. Folic acid supplements are usually given to pregnant women, because of its important to the health of the fetus. In addition, spinach is also abundant in potassium. This element is good for the functioning of the muscles, and also helps to maintain the blood pressure. People that are iron deficient should consume spinach, to replenish the level of iron, which is essential for red blood cell production.
  2. Kale: Kale is also another example of leafy greens that are abundant in a lot of nutrients. It contains nutrients such as lutein, an antioxidant. Lutein helps in nourishing the skin, and also improving the eyes. This is possibly why people that consume a lot of leafy greens do have beautiful and glowing skins. Apart from lutein, kale is rich in vitamin C, and beta-carotene, which are also antioxidants, and helps to protect the body against different types of diseases. Kale is the type of food that shouldn’t leave your menu.
  3. Swiss Chard: Swiss Chard is a popular leafy green. It is abundant in West Africa. The leaf looks like it has blood vessels such as veins on it, and on the stem. It’s delicious when cooked, but tastes bitter when eaten raw. It’s abundant in vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting. In addition, it also improves the health of the heart. Also, studies have shown that it also helps to regulate the level of insulin in the blood. This is useful for persons affected with diabetes mellitus.
  4. Collard greens: Just like Kale, Collard greens are also rich in nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamin K, and C. The leaves are big and broad. The reason it takes a longer duration to cook it to softness. Studies have shown that consuming this food regularly helps to reduce the risk of developing heart diseases.
  5. Arugula: Arugula is a type of leafy green food that is rich in calcium. If you’re trying to improve your bone strength, this is ideal for you. Apart from calcium, it also has a high level of nitrates in it, which helps to improve the blood flow in the muscles.
  6. Green onions: Onions are known for their flavor. They are widely used for cooking, all over the world. Apart from the flavor they provide, they’re also rich in mineral elements such as iron, vitamins B, C, and K. These elements and vitamins help to boost the production of red blood cells in the body. You should endeavor to use green onions when you’re cooking. They don’t only provide a good flavor but also nourish the body.
  7. Endive: Endives are not as popular as the other types of leafy greens. They have a crisp texture, and are curly in shape. They are rich in vitamin A., which is good for eyesight. In addition, endive is rich in kaempferol, an antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation, and can also reduce the development of cancer cells.


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