Weeds are plants that grow where we don’t want them to. It could actually get frustrating removing them because they tend to grow back. They are unwanted plants, and getting rid of them becomes more difficult when they grow with the flowers or vegetation we are trying to nurture. Weeds also refer to plants that propagate aggressively, outside their normal habitat. This has necessitated the development of ways to remove them. This is called weed control. There are many ways of eliminating weeds, such as hand removal, cutting them, and using chemicals. The type of method used would be largely determined by how stubborn the unwanted plants are, and the surface area they cover.

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Besides the point that weeds are not wanted where they grow, there are other reasons why people remove them.

  • In a farm setting, they impede food growth: They do this by sharing the available nutrients with the crops. This is counterproductive, as they reduce the yields of the crop. Apart from sharing the available nutrients and water, they sometimes outgrow the crops and cut their access to sunlight. They compete with the crops for space.
  • They harbor insects, pathogens: Weeds harbor organisms that are capable of harming crops. These diseases might not be dangerous to the weeds, but they can be harmful to the crops.
  • Some weeds are poisonous to animals: Some of these unwanted plants contain toxins that are dangerous to animals, especially when they eat them. In addition, some weeds do have thorns on them that can hurt the digestive tract of animals that consume them. In addition, they can also hurt humans, especially when they’re harvested with vegetable crops.
  • Some weeds grow deep into the soil, and might damage the underground facility in the farm: Plants with deep roots are capable of destroying some facilities on the farm. These include the underground drainage system. The buildings and roads on the farm can also be affected
  • They interfere with the original plan of the farm: Weeds grow where there are not wanted, and so take away from the beauty that was intended for a place. For example, weeds growing on a golf course or a football field would be totally out of place.

Weed do have Some Benefits

  • Some weeds can be used for medicinal purposes. As an illustration, is the catnip plant.
  • Some of them are also edible, and they nourish the body well. An example is the Burdock plant.
  • Unwanted plants also help prevent erosion, especially in farmlands.
  • Some unwanted plants with taproot help boost the fertility of the soil; some also house some bacteria that that balances the nitrogen in the soil
  • Some weeds have aesthetic value. In this case, they can be properly groomed. An example is a corncockle.

The Control and Removal of Weeds

Weed control is as old as mankind, and methods of eliminating these plants have evolved over the years. Methods can be as easy as the hand removal of weeds, to the application of chemicals. An example of an herbicide used in the destruction of weeds is the Roundup Weed Killer.

Roundup Weed Killer

This herbicide has a wide spectrum. This means that it’s capable of eliminating a large number of different kind of plants. The main constituent of this herbicide is glyphosate. It can be used on farms, and also in the house. In fact, it is one of the most used herbicides in the world. Various regulatory and control bodies have given approval to this chemical as safe for use, however, there are have been arguments and questions about its effect on the environment and on humans. Its major ingredient “glyphosate” has been labeled a carcinogen, by an International Cancer research body(IARC), that glyphosate is carcinogenic

Uses of Roundup Weed Killer

  1. This herbicide has the capacity to eliminate a broad range of plants. It can do this because of it’s wide-spectrum. In fact, it is one of the most used herbicides in the world. It’s capable of eliminating grasses, and even plants that are woody. It can be used on the farm, horticulture and for domestic purposes, such as grooming home gardens.
  2. They can be used as desiccants. Farmers can apply this herbicide prior to when they harvest. This chemical dries up the crops and makes harvesting easier. This saves the farmer some funds and money.
  3. As a growth regulator: Roundup weed killer is a wide-spectrum herbicide. However, they are capable of regulating plant growth, when used in little quantities

Can Roundup Weed Killer Cause Cancer?

There have been many concerns about Roundup killer herbicide. Its main constituent “glyphosate” has been labeled a carcinogen, by an International Cancer research body(IARC), that glyphosate is carcinogenic. The company has appealed against the ruling, although the appeal was denied. Over seven hundred cancer patients have sued the company. They believe that the Roundup Weed Killer herbicide could have caused their disease.

However, the company head, Monsanto stated that over eight hundred studies have been carried out, both in America and abroad, and they all came to the conclusion that it’s safe. In addition to this, regulatory bodies in Australia, Germany, France, the most part of Europe, Northern American countries have all reiterated that the herbicide is safe for use and doesn’t cause cancer.The arguments are still on-going, although, the company has a choice to either make the Roundup Weed Killer safer or make changes to their product labeling.

Is Glyphosate Environmentally Friendly?

Although Glyphosate, the main ingredient of the herbicide, Roundup weed killer has been reported to be carcinogenic, the herbicide has been confirmed by various international pesticide and food agencies to be safe for use and for the environment.

How Long Does Roundup Stay in the Soil?

This product starts diminishing days after its usage and totally breaks down within weeks. Its duration in the soil depends on the type of Roundup Weed Killer you buy.

Is This Product Harmful to Animals?

The Roundup Weed Killer is not toxic to animals because they do not have the biochemical path in plants. This product is lethal to plants but has been proven to be safe for animals and humans.

What’s the Duration of Action of Roundup Weed Killer?

The result starts showing on an average of three days after use. The green leaf would change color to yellow, then they start dying. However, it could take up to 14 days, before the plant completely dies.

What Can it Kill?

This herbicide can kill all types of plant. This is why it is referred to as broad-spectrum. It’s one of the most effective herbicides and the most popular one in the world. However, it cannot be used for plants that are still in the soil. It can only work on plants that are above the ground.

Glyphosate and Cancer

There is no solid proof to show that glyphosate increases the risk of human cancer when people are exposed to huge quantities of it. There has been researchthat showed a link between the constant exposure to glyphosate and B-cell lymphoma. A particular analysis showed that people who work with this chemical on a regular basis, such as workers in the herbicide factory, were proven to be twice more likely to have B-cell lymphoma.

In 2015, the cancer research body of the World Health Organization grouped glyphosate as a carcinogen. They made this conclusion based on experiments they performed on animals, and other studies. However, a year after, the United Nations and World Health Organization bodies on Pesticide and Food came to a conclusion that it’s nearly impossible for glyphosate to be a cancer risk to man, even at large doses. Also, regulatory bodies in Australia, Germany, France, the most part of Europe, Northern American countries have all reiterated that the herbicide is safe for use and doesn’t cause cancer.

Glyphosate on Other Mammals

Glyphosate is known to have little toxicity in mammals. However, some animals were exposed to a large dose of glyphosate, and they showed started showing some signs and symptoms after two hours. They were initially excited, then their heartbeat shot up. Also, they became ataxic (jerky movements), depressed, then eventually had abnormally low heartbeats. Another sign that could be seen is convulsion. It was recorded that this organophosphorus compound, when used as herbicide did damage the heart, blood, and vessels of rabbits and mice.

Effect of Glyphosate on the Soil

Glyphosate when in contact with soil, reduces its degradation. It has also been noticed that it has no serious effect on soil microorganisms.

Effect of Glyphosate on Humans

The human skin, when exposed to this chemical compound can get irritated. One form of skin reaction, dermatitis, has been associated with. Although cases of serious burns have been reported, they are extremely rare. Also, this chemical can cause some uneasiness when inhaled and also leave a bad taste in the mouth. In addition, conjunctivitis is frequently experienced when the eyes are exposed to it. There have been cases of death, although they were cases of premeditated overdose.

In pregnant women: No correlation has been found between pregnant women and their born children. According to available studies, it’s safe for expecting mothers to handle the chemical. However, overexposure to it is not advised.

Effect of glyphosate on the endocrine system: There have not been any evidence or any link between the endocrine organs and glyphosate.

Effect on genes: This organophosphorus compound does not have any effect on the genetic makeup of humans. However, there have been suggestions that it may be mutagenic. Although, the IARC has made it known that formulations that have glyphosate in them are capable of breaking DNA strands of animals in vitro

Uses of Glyphosate

Glyphosate is now arguably the most used chemical in agriculture. Below are some of its uses:

1. To Destroy Unwanted Plants

Glyphosate, when used in herbicides, has the capacity to eliminate a broad range of plants. It can do this because of it’s wide-spectrum. In fact, it is one of the most used chemicals in the world of agriculture. It’s capable of eliminating grasses, and even plants that are woody. It can be used on the farm, horticulture and for domestic purposes, such as grooming home gardens.

2. Glyphosates Can be Used as Desiccants

Farmers can apply glyphosate-containing herbicides prior to when they are about to harvest. This chemical dries up the crops and makes harvesting easier. This saves the farmer some money.

3. As A Growth Regulator

Glyphosate is a wide-spectrum herbicide. However, they are capable of regulating plant growth, when used in little quantities

On the one hand, Glyphosate is an herbicide that has been used effectively in killing plants. It has been reported by some international research Cancer bodies to be carcinogenic. On the other hand, Roundup Weed Killer has been touted to be safe by American regulatory bodies and other reputable cancer research bodies in the world.

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Bonn, D. (2005). Roundup Revelation: Weed Killer Adjuvants May Boost Toxicity. Environmental Health Perspectives, 113(6), pp.A403-A404.

Cline, E. (1930). THE SALE OF WEED-KILLER. The Lancet, 215(5555), p.377.

Rabesandratana, T. (2016). Europe stalls weed killer renewal, again. Science.

Rabesandratana, T. (2016). Europe stalls weed killer renewal, again. Science.

Stokstad, E. (2016). European Commission gives controversial weed killer a last-minute reprieve. Science.