stem cell bookStem cell therapy has a huge potential in the treatment of so many diseases, especially the diseases medicine have not been able to treat. Stem cell are cells gotten from the body of an individual called the donor, stored and then given to another person, called the recipient. There are two types of stem cell transplant; these are the

Autologous stem cell transplant: It is the type of stem cell transplant in which the donor and the recipient are the same persons. This is usually the best form of transplant, as there are no chances of tissue rejections

Allogenic stem cell transplant: It is the type of transplant in which stem cells are transplanted from a donor, preserved and then transferred to another individual, called the recipient. Allogenic is important, especially when the recipient’s bone marrow is not viable, or when the person isn’t healthy enough to undergo the process of extraction.

Sources Of Stem Cells

Stem cells can be gotten from different sources. It can be gotten from bone marrow, umbilical cord, bloodstream, and the embryo.

  1. Bone marrow stem cells: Bone marrows are a rich source of stem cells, they can be extracted by putting syringes in the hips, and collecting the stem cells. More than two syringes can be put in the hip at the same time. Several of this might need to be done, to get sufficient amount of stem cells. Stem cells in the bone marrow can differentiate to form hematological stem cells such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and In addition to this, adult stem cells also develop to form non-hematological stem cells such as bone cells, cartilage cells, cardiac cells, etc.
  2. Umbilical cord stem cells: Adult stem cells can be sourced from the umbilical cord of people. Parents can donate their umbilical cords to stem cell banks for future preservation. They can also donate them to the public banks. The umbilical cord is also very rich in stem cells, that can differentiate to form both hematological cells and non-hematological cells. They are the preferred source of stem cells because they don’t harm or hurt the baby or the mother in any way.
  3. Embryonic stem cells: These stem cells are collected by isolating the inner cell mass of an embryo, leading to the destruction of the remaining embryo. Embryonic stem cells are capable of differentiating into both hematological cells, and non-hematological cells. This has been the reason why most government authorities placed a ban on stem cell development. The procedure involving the isolation of the cell mass leads to the elimination of early human lives in the form of an embryo.

Advantages Of Stem Cell Therapy         

  1. For the treatment of bone and cartilage diseases: Stem cell therapy has proven to be effective in the treatment of joint diseases such as osteoarthritis. Stem cells are capable of regenerating and tissue repair. This is its mechanism of action in the treatment of bone, cartilage, and joint diseases. It’s the best form of treatment as compared to the pain and possible degeneration, associated with surgery and artificial implants.
  2. For the treatment of heart diseases: Stem cells can regenerate. This feature is utilized in the treatment of heart conditions, such as myocardial infarction. This has been difficult to manage through medicine. However, new cardiac cells and tissues can be grown, when adult stem cells are used.

Challenges Of Stem Cell Therapy

Although, stem cell therapy has proved to be important and useful for the treatment of diseases, that used to be untreatable. Stem cell use has encountered a lot of challenges, largely due to ethics. The authorities of most countries have banned or put a serious restriction on the development of stem cell research and therapy. The most controversial has been the embryonic stem cells. This is because it leads to the abortion of embryo, the early stage of human life. In addition to this, the long-term outcome of stem cell therapy cannot be ascertained. It’s unclear if it’d do more damage than help patients

The First State To Approve The Use Of Adult Stem Cell Therapy.

The Texas Senate took a bold step by approving the use of adult stem cell therapy. This makes them the first state in America to approve and legislate the use of stem cell therapy. The Texas Senate unanimously passed a bill that will now allow patients with terminal diseases or serious chronic diseases to benefit from adult stem cell therapy. This is to serve as some last resort, to give them a shot at surviving and living a good life. People suffering from severe chronic and autoimmune disease for years can have their life turned around by trying out experimental treatments, such as adult stem therapy. The bill is to give and fast-track access to the stem cell treatment.

Implications Of The Adult Stem Cell Therapy Bill Passed By The Texas Senate

  1. The first and most important significance of the adult stem cell therapy is that it gives the patients who are suffering from terminal diseases. Diseases such as leukemia (acute and chronic form of leukemia), Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  2. Individuals suffering from severe chronic diseases can now have a shot of surviving and living a healthy lifestyle with the access to adult stem cell and other stem cell investigative therapies. Diseases such as the severe cases of multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus and so on.



Failed Attempts At Modifying The Bill

Two measures were that were supposed to be a part of the bill, failed because the majority of the house did not approve of it. These measures are

  1. For hospitals to accept and charge for experimental treatments. Texas is the only state that has disapproved the right of clinics to charge for investigative therapies.
  2. Another proposition that was refused was the kind of people that should have access to adult stem cell therapy. The bill has been approved for people with terminal illness and people with severe chronic diseases. However, this proposition was that people with chronic diseases should be given access to investigative therapies and adult stem cell therapy.

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Donnelly, A., Johar, S., O’Brien, T., and Tuan, R. (2010). Welcome to Stem Cell Research & Therapy. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 1(1), p.1.

Donnelly, A., Johar, S., O’Brien, T., and Tuan, R. (2010). Welcome to Stem Cell Research & Therapy. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 1(1), p.1.

Locke, P., O’Brien, T. and Tuan, R. (2011). Stem Cell Research & Therapy marks its first anniversary. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2(3), p.22.

Nassar, A. (2012). Haploidentical Stem Cell Transplantation. Hematology/Oncology and Stem Cell Therapy, 5(2), pp.73-83.