First, this is exclusively for people who have chronic pain or injuries that have had no success with traditional medicine and want to know more about Stem Cell Therapy and the benefits people are receiving all over the world.

Second, this is a different type of “seminar” in which you will see real people and real cases of whom their lives have been changed forever through Stem Cell…there may even be a few shed tears.

This is not your typical medical fluff seminar that just shows you ways to cover up pain. We go into what it really takes to create regeneration in the body.

There are two parts to it, and we’ll be doing both parts 
during the same workshop.

In part one, your provider will walk you through an exercise.

We will answer a lot of Frequently Asked Questions about Stem Cells such as:

1. How long does a stem cell treatment take?

2. How many stem cell treatments will I need?

3. Are there potential side effects to Human Umbilical Stem Cells?

4. Is there any down side to stem cell treatment?

5. Is it FDA approved?

6. What can I expect and how fast will I see results from my stem cell injection?

This section does four things:

1. It gets you clear on how much you can really expect to
heal from Stem Cell and what it actually does.

This is important because chances are, you’re “settling” 
for getting less pain relief than you want …and
we’re going to fix that.

2. It instantly reveals exactly what type of Stem Cells you should seek out…with no “sales fluff” or fiction, just research.

So if you’re having a hard time getting the answers you want,
or if you’re having a hard time figuring out this whole Stem Cell thing, this will fix it.

3. It immediately shows you exactly what to do for those 
pesky pains that just won’t go away (and haven’t for the past 20+ years).

This part is CRITICAL because chances are, 97% of the treatments 
you’re doing is bogging down your body’s ability to heal …and actually preventing you 
from getting as much pain relief as you can (and should).

4. It lays the foundation for what we cover in part two, which is 
to see real-life stories of Stem Cell treatments , results and providers stories from related successful clients treated in the past .


Part Two: Stem Cell Patients: THE STORIES

In this section of the workshop, we’ll walk you through 
a unique process and how others were helped.

Related Subject matter:

1. Stem Cells and Knee Pain.

2. Hip Pain and HUCT.

3. Shoulder Pain and Stem Cells.

4. Back and Neck Pain and Stem Cells.

5. Headaches and Much More…

6. Stem Cell IV -vs- Injection

Stem Cell Seminar Near Me