Discovered more than 30 years ago, Exosomes are vesicles secreted by most cell types already found in the body. Over the past several years, evidence  indicates these secreted vesicles are so small in size they are formed inside the cell and act as messengers. An Exosome actually carries and transfers information to neighboring or distant cells much like a delivery truck.


Different cell types release Exosomes that haul specific proteins, lipids and growth factor details to targeted cells in the body. Exosomes securely carry this information and are guided, similar to GPS, by exterior molecules that target the recipient cell. Although this information originates from a person’s cell, there is no DNA transferred within the Exosome payload between bodies or cells.


Once united, the targeted cell absorbs the Exosome, along with its cargo instructions, to begin it’s physiological transformation and could hold the key to regenerative medicine. Dr Dave Allingham M.D.

Many believe that exosomes can and will be programmable or directed to support in regenerative medicine and act as the signaling  device for stem cells and other cells in the regeneration and healing process as intended by God.

Exosome Injections

Many believe that regenerative medicine holds the key to the future of healthcare and those in the know say exosomes could be the key to unlock condition treatment and relief for millions.