Restless legs syndrome [RLS] also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease is a condition that is marked by unpleasant sensation or a sudden urge that drives individuals to move their legs, especially during sleep. This can happen in anyone, and it can occur at any time of the day. However, the time most people notice restless leg syndrome is at night. Some people have bad habits that affect their sleeping pattern. While some others have Willis-Ekbom Disease distorting their sleep cycle. RLS doesn’t necessarily mean you have a severe problem, and there are ways of managing it. You probably don’t need a physician to get rid of it and have your legs to yourself again.

  1. The Secret of taking a Stroll

It has been observed that individuals who have suffered Restless Leg Syndrome and have taken to enjoying evening stroll experience it lesser and lesser as the day goes by. When such individuals go out for a walk, it relaxes them by the time they retire home to rest. Also, strolling is good for the heart and the lungs, as the heart pumps more blood, with the lungs also taking in fresh supplies of Oxygen to rejuvenate the body. Try it for a week and see the changes you anticipate.




  1. Stretching Exercises

There is something intrinsic to exercise, stretching, that benefits our body immensely. Researchers have observed that when people stretch in the morning and when going to bed, they feel relaxed and ready for the day much better. When more people started showing up with RLS, it was observed less in people who had been doing stretching exercises or frequented the gym as a part of their culture. Stretching helps the muscles and blood vessels to function better, thus relieving stress and combatting RLS.

  1. Toe Exercise Regimen

You may have to jerk your leg suddenly, and it gets worrisome if that often happens while you are already sleeping. If this disturbs your sleep, sit up briefly and do the Toe Exercise by moving your toes in clockwise and anticlockwise directions. Do this three times for both directions, repeat five times. If you begin to enjoy it, you can add it to your sleeping rituals to prevent those sudden jerking movements and have yourself a pleasant sleep.




  1. Use Vitamin B and Folic acids

Another study in women showed that most of the ladies that turned up having Willis-Ekbom Disease were deficient of Vitamin B. When the same set of women were given Folic acid and Vitamin B complex, there was a tremendous shift in the numbers that had recurrent complaints. Take these supplements and say goodbye to Restless Leg Syndrome.

  1. Massage is Key

Visiting a spa or seeing a masseur or masseuse has more benefits than just RLS. There are profound benefits on both mental and physical well-being. People with Restless Leg Syndrome that have registered for massage sessions had enjoyed their time and were thankful. Adequate massage therapy can ease cramps all over your body causing good feeling and nutrients to course through your body.


  1. What Ice Packs does for your Legs in RLS in Unbelievable

You must have seen people applying ice packs on bruises either after a hit or blow. This low temperature acts on the body by controlling the swelling of the area and numbing the pain. If you can’t get your hands on one, improvise with frozen vegetables, ensure you wrap it with a towel so that the moisture is absorbed. Your journey to the dreamland will further be soothing and relaxing without your legs being in pain or restless.

  1. What Coffee does in RLS

Coffee is a wonderful beverage in its own right, but if you’re looking forward to shutting your brain down, then it becomes your enemy. Coffee has dopamine which stimulates the brain to be active, which is why your legs keep being active. One should not be taking too much of it or taking it as close as eight hours before sleep. Once, the needed dose is drunk in the morning, keep your energy up with other progressive means rather than additional cups of coffee.



  1. Why You Need to Quit Smoking

The story of Restless Leg Syndrome and coffee is similar to that of smoking. The nicotine in cigarettes has a calming effect and raises the dopamine levels in your body system as well. You want to sleep, but your body thinks you are awake. Confusion is what occurs, your body is tired and needs rest, but the presence of such levels of dopamine are pointing in a contrary direction. Give up smoking and get your legs and sleep back, you’ll be better relaxed.

  1. Disciplined Sleep Pattern

There’s so much that can be said about sleep disorders and how it affects mental health. This is the reason healthcare professionals and well-being advocates encourages people to be stricter with their sleeping schedule. The challenge is that when you realize you’re no longer in control, it is already too late, as there may be other comorbidities such as depression or restless leg syndrome. Therefore, follow a routine sleeping timetable, it helps your body adjust and not think you need to be awake.






  1. Treat your Legs to a Warm Bath

You might as well, give your leg some nice treats for carrying your body for the whole day, moving you about successfully. The warm bath is soothing and relaxes your muscles, calms the nerves, and relieves the flow in the vessels of your legs. You may not realize it, but your bones are vital to producing fresh blood which carries nutrients and oxygen, which is why a warm bath also benefits them and gives a wonderful night rest.

The above, are ten essential remedies you can utilize to combat Restless Leg Syndrome, but you may visit your Doctor or use the other ones below as well.

Don’t worry too much, you are not alone, and this doesn’t mean something grave is wrong with you. Some so many people have felt the need to move their legs during sleep, in fact, some may be trying to avoid falling in their dreams. However, if none of the above remedies work for your restless leg, then you have to visit a physician.