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Menopause is a natural biological condition in women, and it marks the end of menstruation and production of eggs. Twelve months without the monthly menstruation signifies the end of menstruation and the beginning of menopause. Menopause is the stage in reproductive women usually between the ages of 40 and 50 where there is a decline in the reproductive hormone.

Its many symptoms, which include hot flashes and night sweats, can affect energy, efficiency, and productivity during the day and cause sleep disruption at night. Menopause if not treated carefully, can lead to depression.

Hot flashes and night sweats are the most common symptoms of menopause, however, there many more symptoms that come with menopause. Visit your doctor if you fall into the menopausal age range or experience one or more of the following:

Menopause is an inevitable experience for women; therefore, learning how to best prepare for it and combat it is essential. We take a look at the 10 ways of alleviating the symptoms that come with menopause.

  1. Maintain a Cool Temperature All the Time

The most common menopausal symptom is hot flashes. Menopausal women are advised to wear loose clothing all the time, especially at night. It is also vital to keep the bedroom well ventilated at nights to help improve sleep.

  1. Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is essential for everybody. Regular exercise in menopause gives energy that seems to reduce with menopause, gives strength to joints and bones that weaken with menopause as well as improve their sleeping at night which are usually characterized with hot flashes and night sweats.

  1. Relax the Body and Mind

With the stress that accompanies menopause, menopausal women are susceptible to anxiety and depression. Menopausal women are advised to engage in activities that relax the body and the mind. Yoga, swimming, and meditation are great ways to relax the body and mind.

  1. Skin Care

Skin dryness and irritation is part of the menopausal experience. The use of skin care products like moisturizers can help reduce dryness and irritation of the skin.

  1. Quit Smoking and Drinking

Smoking and alcohol consumption are bad habits for anyone across any age. These habits can worsen menopausal symptoms as well as cause other ailments or conditions.

  1. Eat lots of Fruits and Vegetables

A common symptom of menopause is weight gain due to a decline in the rate of metabolism. Eating highly nutritious food, low in calorie will help put the weight in check. Fruits and vegetables also help reduce the chances of suffering heart diseases, which are experienced highly in women at menopause.

  1. Drink a lot of water

Dryness is a common symptom of menopause. This dryness occurs in different parts of the body from the skin down to the vagina. The decrease in estrogen level is responsible for this dryness. Drinking much water will help keep the body hydrated as well as reduce this symptom. Furthermore, adequate water consumption will help maintain weight, which is a peculiar challenge for menopausal women. Drinking one or two glasses of water is recommended before each meal as it reduces calorie intake.

  1. Consume a lot of Protein

Menopausal women are advised to incorporate protein into all their daily meals. Eating lots of protein slows down muscle loss that comes with aging. Diets high in protein will also help maintain weight as they enhance fullness and satiation, thereby decreasing the calories consumed and improving metabolism. Foods fortified with protein include fish, egg, nuts, meat, legumes, and dairy.

  1. Improve the Sex

Menopause makes sex less pleasurable for women. Hormonal changes due to menopause make the vaginal dry and thin, making sex painful. Use of vaginal lubricants or moisturizers will help improve sexual experience. Talk to your doctor about vaginal pills, creams or rings for dry and painful sex, discuss the one that is good for your body, and enjoy sex again.

This hormonal changes also greatly reduce libido in menopausal women, seeking, and learning ways to improve the sexual experience at this stage is important. Foreplay and massage can help improve appetite for sex. Regular sex is recommended for menopausal women as it improves blood flow and reduces stress. Get help and enjoy sex again.

  1. Stimulate the Brain

With the stress and pain that comes with menopause, stimulating the brain is an escape to alleviate these pains and avoid mood swings. Menopausal women are advised to learn new things at this stage of their lives. It could be a new language, a new skill or art, or anything that stimulates the mind and the brain. This also helps to take one’s mind off the struggles of menopause.

Women after the age of 40 years should expect menopause, and this signifies the end of the menstrual cycle. Also, it comes with several painful symptoms, which include dryness of the vaginal and hot flashes. Adapting our lifestyles, by exercising regularly, keeping cool and following strict diets is the recommended way of enjoying menopause or at least reducing the problems that come with menopause.

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