Check Biotech
Check Biotech is where you’ll find the latest news on biotech issues.
What are the Health Benefits of Prayer?
The Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer is a stunning monument located in the United Kingdom. It is composed of one million bricks, each representing an answered prayer in the lives of individuals. Prayer is a powerful practice that...
Why Your Body Needs Water
Wait – grab a bottle of water to drink while you read this. Yes, medical personnel caution us that most people are at least slightly dehydrated most of the time. Our bodies require a lot of water: youngsters are prone to drink sweetened fluids, and older, more sedentary folks just don’t bother to drink enough. This becomes a habit – a lazy habit. And the ensuing dehydration reduces our energy. Be mindful of this need. Remember, water is essential to life. It provides energy to every cell in your body. And you may recall that a raisin is a dehydrated grape.
How Swearing Affects the Brain
Many people ask "Is cursing a sin?" While it may be considered impolite in many social contexts, and while the answer to that question may be yes, there is growing interest in understanding how swearing affects the brain. In this article, we will explore the...
Preparing for the End of Life
Death is a part of life, as inevitable as the setting of the sun. While it may be a topic many of us choose to avoid, preparing for the end of life is a crucial aspect of responsible planning. Just as we turn to professionals like a financial advisor Rockwall TX, to...
What are the Health Risks of Lead Paint in My House?
Lead paint was widely used in residential homes prior to the 1970s, and it continues to be a concern for many homeowners today. As a medical professional, I understand the potential health risks associated with lead exposure, and it's important to understand the risks...
Character Building | the Key to a Happier, Healthier Life
It is often said that a person's character is their destiny. And it's true - having good character can lead to a happier and healthier life. But what exactly is a good character building education curriculum and why is it so important? Let's talk about Character...
The Benefits of Listening to Music on the Brain
Listening to music consistently come with a lot of benefits, apart from getting you in the dancing mood, and making our celebration worthwhile. It could be used for the various therapeutic purpose for various types of diseases. It has been discovered that music can...
What is Color Blindness?
Color, much like sound, is measured and received in wave lengths. Each color variation of the rainbow is transmitted and accepted by your body through these waves. The human eyes are amazing creations in and of themselves, with the...
What is Mindfulness and How Does it Relieve Stress?
Mindfulness: a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique. Let's discuss what is mindfulness and how does it relieve...
Is Telemedicine Right for You?
Before COVID-19 was a new normal, merely calling up your doctor with questions was nearly impossible. Seeing your doctor would always involve seeing them in person. Or, if you were lucky, you could sit on hold for an hour just for the chance to speak with a nurse on...