Our body tends to get flabby as we age. Besides this, fat materials tend to accumulate in the vessels over time. This if not well controlled can lead to different heart conditions. These and many other reasons are why it’s important to exercise our body. to increase our fitness levels. One of the ways of exercising is by doing free weight chest exercises. This next part of the article will be focused on the kind of exercises that can achieve a built and tone out chest.

5 Best Free Weight Chest Exercises For A Healthy Body

                               How Strength Training Fights Disease

Strength exercise does more than just giving us strong muscles. This type of training helps to increase strength, improves our physical look, and also improves our health. Strength training boosts our body’s ability to fight diseases. Below are some of the ways strength training helps us fight diseases;

  1. Prevents obesity: Obesity is a condition in which the body mass index of an individual is above 30kg/m^2. It’s a condition in which excess fat has been accumulated, up to the extent that it may have negative effects on the health of the person. Obesity causes other diseases, such as diabetes, coronary heart disease and so on. Strength training not only improves the muscle strength but also keeps the body weight in check.
  2. Stronger cardiovascular system: The heart is one of the most important organs in the body. The heart is made up of cardiac muscles, which pumps blood throughout the body. However, living a sedentary lifestyle can lead to hypertension, which eventually would overwork the heart. An overworked heart can lead to diseases like heart failure, and sudden death.


How much of the world do you need for meaningful clinical trials?. (2011). European Heart Journal, 32(24), pp.3057-3063.

Slattery, M. (1996). How Much Physical Activity Do We Need to Maintain Health and Prevent Disease? Different Diseases-Different Mechanisms. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 67(2), pp.209-212.