High-quality health care sharing ministry plans from Aliera HealthCare are quickly becoming plan of choice for individuals and families
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Get Aliera Healthcare Quotes
Will I need to wait for Open Enrollment dates to apply?
No, these plans are not subject to the Open Enrollment dates, so you could purchase one of the plans any time during the year. The plans use America’s largest PPO network
What Medical Needs Are Eligible For Sharing?
Medical needs eligible to be shared by Aliera members compare favorably to their prior medical coverage. Eligible medical needs are listed in the membership guidelines.
Are these Medical Sharing Minimum Essential Coverage Plans recognized as ObamaCare plans?
Yes. Aliera is a recognized Health Care Sharing Ministry and members are exempt from the penalties assessed to those who do not have insurance.
How Does My Doctor Or Hospital Get Paid?
Your doctor sends the bill electronically to Aliera or their agents. Aliera performs an analysis and pays a reasonable amount – it is not a requirement for you to pay and wait to get reimbursed. Once your medical provider has properly processed your medical claim to be shared by the membership, the medical need is adjudicated and payment is issued through the member’s escrow account.
Are Maternity Benefits Included?
Yes. In the AlieraCare Premium plans, maternity benefits are available after 10 consecutive months of membership prior to conception. Aliera will pay up to $5,000 per pregnancy (whether a single or multiple birth), after member shared responsibility amount has been met. Needs for maternity ending in a delivery by cesarean section that is either medically necessary because of complications that arise at the time of delivery or due to medical necessity for previous cesarean section delivery are limited to $8,000 instead of $5,000. Medical expenses for a newborn arising from complications at the time of delivery, including, but not limited to, premature birth, are treated as a separate incident and limited to $50,000 of eligible sharing, subject to the Member Shared Responsibility Amount.
How Much Do the Aleira Plans Cost?
Your monthly contribution depends on the number of members in your family and the type of membership you desire.
Do Contributions Fluctuate Each Month?
No. The contributions do not fluctuate from month-to-month. However, contributions are subject to review by the Board of Directors on an annual basis. Adjustments may be made periodically, usually on an annual basis, to meet the needs of the membership.
Are There Religious Restrictions For Membership In Aliera?
Aliera welcomes members of all faiths who can honor the Statement of Beliefs.
What About Pre-Existing Conditions?
With the AlieraCare 5000 Premium Plan, pre-existing conditions have a 24-month waiting period. Any illness or accident for which a person has been diagnosed, received medical treatment, been examined, taken medication, or had symptoms within 24 months prior to the application date is considered a pre-existing condition. Symptoms include but are not limited to the following: abnormal discharge or bleeding; abnormal growth; break; cut or tear; discoloration; deformity; full or partial loss of use; obvious damage, illness or abnormality; impaired breathing; impaired motion; inflammation or swelling; itching; numbness; pain that interferes with normal use; unexplained or unplanned weight gain or loss exceeding 25% of the total body weight occurring within a six-month period; fainting, loss of consciousness, or seizure; abnormal results from a test administered by a medical practitioner.
If pre-existing condition coverage is not an immediate need, check out the AlieraCare 5000
Can I Cancel My Plan?
You can choose to quit the membership at any time with no penalties.
How Do I Know That My Contributions Will Be Used Correctly?
Financial integrity and accountability of Aliera is very important. They adhere to the highest standards for operating and maintaining the utmost level of accountability through auditing procedures and the Aliera board of directors.
What Happens If My Monthly Contribution Is Late?
Monthly contributions are due on the 1st or 15th of each month, depending on your effective date. If your monthly contribution is not received by the due date, an administrative fee will be assessed to track, receive, and post your monthly contribution. If your monthly contribution is not received by the end of the month, your membership becomes inactive as of the last day of the preceding month in which a monthly contribution was received.
What Happens If I Have A Discrepancy With A Non-Eligible Medical Need?
If a need is denied as not eligible and there is a dispute, you may seek reconsideration through the appeal procedure described in the Member Guidelines.
Will My Doctor Accept The Aliera Plans?
Yes. If a medical provider is not part of the network, they should still accept the AlieraCare plans.
Are the AlieraCare Plans Considered Insurance by state insurance commissioners and do they meet Medical Sharing Minimum Essential Coverage Plans?
No, but the AlieraCare plans are considered ObamaCare plans by the U.S. government (the IRS & CMS) under the Affordable Care Act and you will incur no penalties or taxes.