If you’ve ever picked up an apple from the organic section of your supermarket, you probably thought that by doing so, you were doing the best thing your health. And if you haven’t, you may belong to the camp that believes the potential health benefits of going organic don’t outweigh the real costs. Are organic diet plans best for health and weight loss?
But what if the benefits included the chance to lose weight? Here, we explore how eating organic may affect your slim-down efforts. Whether or not you choose to go organic, however, is ultimately up to you.
Is an Organic Food Diet Best for Weight Loss?
More nutrition with less calories.
While experts have debated for years whether organic foods contain more nutrients than their conventionally raised counterparts, last year a British Journal of Nutrition review of 343 studies concluded that on average, organic foods (both crops and packaged foods derived from those crops, like bread) contain higher concentrations of antioxidants than conventionally grown foods.
That’s because, while an organic apple and a conventionally grown apple may both contain the same number of vitamins and antioxidants, the organic apple is much smaller, meaning that it takes a lot of this type of apple to measure up to 1 ounce, says study co-author Charles Benbrook, a research professor at Washington State University’s Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources. Are organic diet plans best for health and weight loss?
Why the size difference? The funny thing is, the reason may be because organic, nitrogen-rich fertilizer is so expensive, meaning that organic farmers can’t typically afford to over-fertilize their crops to the same extent that conventional farmers can, Benbrook says. And nitrogen is to plants what calories are to people, so when conventional plants get too much nitrogen, they do the same thing we do: They get big.
“When produce is over-fertilized, the ratio of calories per antioxidant activity goes way up,” Benbrook says. That means that bite per bite, you are typically getting fewer good-for-you nutrients and more calories (granted, probably not enough to wreck your diet) out of that conventionally raised, albeit more significant, apple, he says, versus the smaller organic variety.
Organic Diet Nutrition Facts
Previous research from Newcastle University found that on average, organic fruits and vegetables contain 12 percent more healthy plant compounds – resveratrol and other polyphenols, for example – than conventionally grown produce. It was discovered, that flavonol, one of these beneficial plant compounds, may stabilize blood sugar levels, helping to keep appetite in check, while another such compound, resveratrol, has been shown to promote fullness. Some pesticides used in conventional farming, however, may reduce the level of resveratrol in plants.
So if vitamins and antioxidants aren’t what’s making that non-organic apple bigger, what is? Simple sugars and starches, which explains why conventional produce is often sweeter and juicier, Benbrook says.
His research shows that some organic fruits and vegetables contain 20, 30, even 40 percent more antioxidants per calorie than conventionally raised versions. “If you choose organic foods to hit your five-a-day produce requirement, it’s like you are getting a sixth serving without consuming any additional calories,” Benbrook explains.
Still, just because an apple is organic doesn’t guarantee the farmer hasn’t piled on the nitrogen, thereby reducing its antioxidant concentrations while increasing its calories, Benbrook says. Some studies, including a 2012 review in the Annals of Internal Medicine, have found that organic and non-organic produce don’t vary significantly regarding nutrients. While, in general, organic crops may be more nutrient-dense than conventional crops, an organic seal isn’t proof they will be. It just proves the crops were grown without synthetic pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics, genetic engineering or chemical fertilizers.
How Do I Choose the Healthiest Diet for My Body?
The best diet for your body is the one you enjoy, eat healthy foods, and you can practice for an extended period. Consistency is the key to losing weight through any diet program or plan. You need to do it consistently for an extended time to get the desired result that you want.
What Are Some Things To Be Aware Of When On A Diet?
No miracle diets out there. The only miracle diet available is your determination, discipline, and willfulness to lose weight and eat healthy consistently as a habit
Good eating habits help people to lose weight, not a one time diet done by people.
Losing weight is the latest trend in this era, for different reasons. Now that you know that losing weight and keeping fit is right, it is good for you to weigh the pros and cons of each diet, before deciding. Are organic diet plans best for health and weight loss? Remember the best diet is consistent healthy eating and an active lifestyle.
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Silambuselvi, K. and Jayabharathi, B. (2016). Paleo Diet. International Journal of Food, Nutrition, and Dietetics, 4(3), pp.141-144.
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