What is Color Blindness?

Color, much like sound, is measured and received in wave lengths.  Each color variation of the rainbow is transmitted and accepted by your body through these waves.  The human eyes are amazing creations in and of themselves, with the ability to differentiate...

Is Telemedicine Right for You?

Before COVID-19 was a new normal, merely calling up your doctor with questions was nearly impossible. Seeing your doctor would always involve seeing them in person. Or, if you were lucky, you could sit on hold for an hour just for the chance to speak with a nurse on...

Will Medicare Cover My Lab Work?

Sometimes you are in the hospital or just having a routine visit to the doctor, when they say that you need lab work done, such as a blood test. However, does Medicare cover lab work? Laboratory tests are commonly used to diagnose illness. What kind of lab work could...

What is Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a common condition in which a person’s eyes do not produce enough quality tears to properly lubricate the eyes. Tears are absolutely necessary for the nourishment and care of the eye. Tears maintain the outer eyes, providing the user with clear vision...