Chiropractic is a system of therapy that is focused on the structure of the body, specifically the spine. Chiropractors carry out hand manipulation of the body. The theory behind chiropractic is that the proper alignment of the body would cause the body to heal itself. This system of therapy helps to relieve pain, and also boosts the functions of the body. Although the majority of chiropractic is spinal manipulation, chiropractic care is also used for the treatment of other conditions. It’s mostly combined with other types of treatment such as postural and exercise educations, physical therapy, which usually includes teaching patients how to walk, sit, and how to prevent back strain. A lot of chiropractors work with other health care professionals and personnel, such as primary care doctor, pain experts, nurses, psychologists, and surgeons to treat patients, especially those with special cases. Chiropractic is mainly used for the treatment of musculoskeletal-related conditions, such as back pain, neck pain and so on. A lot of people choose chiropractic because of its effectiveness in treating pain. In addition, this system of therapy is almost without risk, as it’s not invasive. However, there have been reports of complications due to this type of treatment. Some of them include headache, stroke, and so on. A chiropractor may also advise patients about biomechanics, diet, posture and how to improve their condition.

What Is Chiropractic?

Chiropractors make use of the hand in manipulating the spine, and also other alternative treatments. The main theory behind is that the proper alignment of the musculoskeletal structure, especially the spine would assist the body in healing itself without the need for medications or any invasive procedure. The manipulation is done to improve the mobility in the joints, especially the joints whose mobility has been restricted due to diseases or injuries such as road traffic accident, falling from a height, repetitive stress and so on. This method of treatment is primarily used to bring relief to patients suffering from pain, and also, it’s an alternative for muscles, joints, bones and connective tissues.

What Is A Chiropractor?

A chiropractor is a health care professional that is focused on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. They do this with an emphasis on treatment through the use of manual adjustment of the spine and other parts of the body. They seek to reduce the pain suffered by patients, especially in cases such as back pain, neck pain and also help to improve the functionality of patients. In addition, they educate patients on how they can take proper care of their health, including the type of exercise to do, the type of diet, and changes in lifestyle. However, it’s important not to confuse a medical doctor for a chiropractor. There are some specialties under chiropractic. Some of the fields are as follow:

Chiropractors can specialize in any of these fields. They diagnose patient just like physicians. This usually involves taking a medical and family history of the patient, which is then followed by performing a thorough physical and neurological examination. They might also carry out other diagnostic tests such as blood and imaging tests. After they’ve made a diagnosis, a treatment plan would be drawn out for the patient. In situations where the disorder the patient is beyond the scope of chiropractic, patients are referred to health professionals that are better suited to treat the disease. Most chiropractors work with other health care professionals such as primary care doctors, nurses, surgeons, physical therapist and so on. Chiropractors are not skill nor trained to carry out surgeries.

What Are the Fundamental Goals of Chiropractors?

As earlier mentioned, chiropractors focus on the connection between the nervous system and the spine. Their main goals of treatment include the following:

              How Does A Chiropractor Treat Back Pain?

The first thing a chiropractor does is to take a full medical and family history of the patient. This is then followed up with a thorough physical and medical evaluation of the patient. The signs and symptoms presented by the patient would also be examined. The physician might also make use of diagnostic tests such as X-ray, MRI, CT-scan and so on. The chiropractor would draw up a treatment plan after coming up with a diagnosis. Treatment plans in chiropractic are usually specific to the patient. This may involve the manual adjustments of the spine, joints and so on. They apply sudden force and different pressure on parts of the body, and other range of motion. Chiropractors don’t apply a lot of force when treating kids or old adults, to prevent complications. Chiropractors may also include nutrition and rehabilitation in their treatment plan. The main focus of chiropractor is to restore function, mobility, pain relief, and prevention of injury in patients.

How to Become A Chiropractor?

Chiropractors are individuals that provide primary care based on diseases that affect the musculoskeletal and nervous system. They make use of hand manipulation of the spine, and other joints to treat some conditions. Some of the techniques they use include massage therapy, acupuncture and so on. Some of the diseases they treat include back pain, neck pain and so on. Their practice is based on the theory that the body can heal itself without any form of medication or invasive procedure.

Chiropractors must have a doctor of chiropractic to practice. Individuals that want to become a chiropractor must first acquire a degree in any science related course. This might take between 3 to 4 years. Then they’d proceed to the school of chiropractic. They have to be licensed by the state in which they desire to practice. The first 2 years of the chiropractic program is mostly on basic medical sciences such as anatomy, physiology, pathology, and microbiology, while the remaining two years is about manipulation techniques and courses on the various fields of medicine such as neurology, nutrition, geriatrics, pediatrics, orthopedics, rehabilitation and so on. The last year of training does involve the students treating patients but under the guidance of a licensed chiropractor.

How Does A Chiropractor Treat Back Pain?

Back pain is one of the most common reasons why people consult chiropractors. This is because chiropractic is effective in the treatment of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. To treat back pain, the chiropractor takes the initial and family history of the patient. This is then followed by a diagnosis of the patient, which is done by carrying out tests such as X-ray, CT scan, MRI and so on. Treatment involves the use of manual adjustment of the joints, through controlled and sudden force applied to the affected part of the body.

What Is Back Pain?

Back pain is one of the most common reasons why people visit chiropractors. It’s also one of the commonest reasons why people visit the hospital.  Studies have shown that most people have had back pain at least once. Back pain usually resolves by itself, although there are conditions in which it persists for a long time, and would require the intervention of a physician. Chiropractic is effective for the treatment of back pain.

Signs And Symptoms Of Back Pain

Persons affected with back pain do present with several symptoms. Some of them include the following:

           When Is It Important To Ask For Medical Help?

Back pain is a disorder most people tend to overlook until it starts to affect their daily lives. Most forms of back pain do improve within a few weeks. However, there are situations in which it doesn’t improve, even after a long time. Below are some of the signs and symptoms that would demand you to seek urgent help:

              What Are the Causes Of Back Pain?

Back pain usually doesn’t last for a long time. However, there have been cases where they last for more than 3 months. Back pain that persists for more than 3 months is referred to as chronic pain, while those that last for no more than 6 weeks is referred to as acute back pain. Back pain can develop without any cause a physician can diagnose. However, some of the common causes of back pain include the following:

What Are The Risk Factors Of Back Pain?

headaches types and diagnosis, massage therapy
headaches types and diagnosis, massage therapy

These are factors that contribute to the development of back pain. Some of the conditions include the following:

                                    How to Prevent Back Pain?

There are so many ways of preventing back pain. Some of them are as follows:

                                  Diagnosis Of Back Pain

Chiropractors diagnose back pain by carrying out the physical and neurological examination of the patient. Patients are also asked to rate the pain they’re feeling on a scale of zero to ten. Physicians might also order some more test to confirm the diagnosis. Some of them include the following:

                              Treatment of Back Pain

There are two main forms of back pain, based on the duration of the disease. Acute pain usually resolves without any medical intervention. However, there are cases where back pain doesn’t resolve with home remedies but persists for a long time. Physicians treat back pain with a combination of medications and physical therapy.

Some of the medications used for the treatment of back pain include the following:

  1. Surgery: This is usually done when medications and physical therapy doesn’t work for the patient. Patients affected with nerve compression might benefit from surgery. In addition, patients affected with structural problems would also benefit from surgery.
  2. Chiropractic: To treat back pain, the chiropractor takes the initial and family history of the patient. This is then followed by a diagnosis of the patient, which is done by carrying out tests such as X-ray, CT scan, MRI and so on. Treatment involves the use of manual adjustment of the joints, through controlled and sudden force applied to the affected part of the body.

Other Conditions Treated By Chiropractors

Asides from back pain, chiropractors, can also treat a number of medical conditions. Some of them include the following:


  1. Rheumatoid Arthritis: This is a long-term autoimmune disorder that mainly affects the joints. This condition causes the affected joint to become swollen, warm and painful. However, the stiffness and pain experienced by patients usually worsen after rest. The most commonly affected joints are the wrist and hand joints. This condition can also affect other systems of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis can lead to conditions such as anemia, inflammation around the lungs, and inflammation around the heart. This conditions usually occur progressively and might take from weeks to months to present. The exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis is not known yet. However, some factors that contribute to the development of the disease have been identified. They are genetic and environmental factors. Studies have shown the underlying mechanism for the development of the disease is autoimmunity. The body immune system fails to recognize the tissues of the joints and proceeds to attack them. Physicians diagnose this condition by taking the medical and family history of the patient. This is then followed up with a thorough physical and neurological examination of the patient. Other tests that could be used in diagnosing this disease include X-rays, CT-scan and so on. The goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation, improve the overall health of the patient, and most importantly, to reduce the pain patient feels.

           What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Persons affected with rheumatoid arthritis may present with the following signs and symptoms. They include the following:

            What Are The Causes Of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the immune system fails to recognize the tissues of joints and proceeds to attack the lining of the synovial membrane. This inflammation causes damage to the components of affected joints.

How Is Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated?

Physicians treat rheumatoid arthritis by a combination of medications and therapy. Some of the medications used in the treatment of this disease include the following:

What Are The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care?

Some of the conditions that can be treated by chiropractic care have been discussed above, below are some of the benefits of chiropractic care:

It’s also effective in the treatment of conditions such as headaches, osteoarthritis without any invasive procedure.


Articular neurology and chiropractic: the foundation of chiropractic wellness care. (2000). The British Journal of Chiropractic, 4(4), p.76.

Chiropractic Care of Pediatric Nonmusculoskeletal Conditions: A Case Series. (2010). Clinical Chiropractic, 13(2), p.189.

Chiropractic Evidence 2011: Programme. (2011). Clinical Chiropractic, 14(2), p.63.

Moreau, W. (2007). The American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians supports the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 6(3), pp.85-86.