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There have been a lot of debate about the differences, if there are, between a Dermatologist and an Esthetician. Estheticians and Dermatologists are both skin specialists. They help clients address the different issues and disorders affecting their skin. They also need to attend an institution/school and be licensed by different regulating boards before they can practice their respective jobs. They are actually both very different professions in terms of the education needed and the responsibilities they do. The major differences to consider include:

  • The Education that’s required for each profession – If you go see a Dermatologist, you’re seeing a Certified specialist Medical doctor. This means that he or she completed four years of undergraduate work, three to four years of medical school and one to two years of residency and internship at a medical facility. He or she may also have received additional specialized training and education.

On the other hand, an Esthetician attends a trade school, an accredited college, cosmetology school, or technical school to learn the craft of skin care and maintenance and has passed the state board exam. Passing this test gives the person a license to work in that state only as a standard or medical esthetician. The length of time that an esthetician puts into school is a small fraction of what Medical school entails. Most standard esthetic programs take between three and six months to one year to complete anywhere from 250 to 1,500 hours of training, depending on the requirements of the state. After getting licensed, many Estheticians choose to continue their education by taking advanced care specialized courses in chemical peels, skin products, skin disorders, hair removal, skin care and regimens, aromatherapy, and lymphatic drainage.

  • Another difference is in the requirements for studies in each profession – an Esthetics school candidate need only be at least 17 years old and have a high school diploma or GED certification.
  • Another difference between these two positions is the fact that estheticians typically work under the supervision of dermatologists, particularly in medical spas.
  • Another difference is in the kind of skin conditions they can treat – Estheticians can analyze skin conditions, apply makeup and perform facials and body wraps and procedures. With advanced licensing, estheticians can also do laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, chemical peeling and other procedures. On the other hand, Dermatologists don’t really have any limits on the type of skin condition, they can diagnose and For example, they can diagnose disorders, abnormalities, and diseases of the skin. They also treat these problems with various procedures and write prescriptions to treat skin conditions. If warranted, they can perform surgery on skin problems. For example, they can remove moles or cysts. They can also detect skin cancer by performing skin biopsies as well as help in its treatment. In many states in the US, only physicians especially dermatologists are allowed to administer Botox or dermal fillers.

                   How do Dermatologists Remove Acne Scars?  

         Acne scars occur when clogged pores become inflamed. The pore will then swell, which causes a break in the follicle wall. If the break is deep enough, it will cause a scar as the skin tries to repair itself.

There are two types of acne scars: Atrophic scars and Hypertrophic scars. Atrophic scars are also referred to as depressed scars and develop when there is a loss of tissue. There are two kinds of Atrophic scars – icebox scars, which are small in size but leave noticeable holes in the skin, and boxcar scars, which are oval or round in shape, with steeply angled sides. Hypertrophic scars, or keloid scars, are caused when the body produces too much collagen, resulting in a raised mass of tissue on the skin’s surface or even projecting further from the point of inflammation.

Mild acne can be treated with over the counter creams and gels but when scarring is involved, dermatologists employ the use of different procedures including:

  • Microdermabrasion and Light peels – These help to loosen debris that’s clogging the pores and to treat the underlying cause.
  • Fractional Laser Treatment – This is a non-invasive procedure that uses a laser beam to target a specific region of the skin. These spots go through the different layers of the skin i.e the epidermis and the dermis. Before treatment, the skin will be washed and a numbing cream will be applied to the skin and will be allowed to soak in for 45 to 60 minutes. The cream will then be removed, and a gliding gel will be applied to the skin. A full face will take about 30 minutes to treat. A cooling machine is utilized to help reduce the discomfort during the treatment. The skin will be pink in color after the treatment for 3 to 5 days. A mild sunburn sensation can often be felt for about an hour after the treatment. Swelling may occur but should subside within 2 to 3 days. Flaking of the skin will occur as the old skin peels off and new skin is replaced. Four to five treatments are usually needed, which will be spaced out about a month apart. Treatment is slow to progress but will be visible after about 3 to 4 months.
  • Skin Needling– Skin needling is another great non- invasive procedure that dermatologists use to get rid of acne scars. Skin needling is a procedure that utilizes a micro needle device to deliver controlled injuries to the skin. This will create a micro channel each time the fine needle punctures the skin. New collagen will fill in these wounds. Skin needling is one of the safest ways for an individual to get rid of acne scars, and the procedure is very well tolerated. It takes a few minutes to perform or up to an hour, depending on the treatment area. A numbing cream will be applied to a clean face, and then the skin will be punctured with the micro-needling For best results, the device will be rolled over the skin many times. Multiple treatments could be needed before desired effects can be seen. This varies between individuals as some individuals will only need 2 sessions, while others could need 6, depending on the severity of the acne scars. The sessions will be spaced out at least one month apart from one another.
  • Dermal Fillers– Dermal fillers are also very effective in treating different kinds of acne scars. They work well for atrophic acne scars. Every individual will need a different amount of filler. A numbing cream will be applied topically to the skin after the skin is cleansed with alcohol. A very fine needle will be used to inject the dermal filler into the skin, and the pressure will be applied using gauze. Icing the skin will help with any pain that is associated with dermal fillers. Treated skin may be bruised, red, and swollen for the first 2 to 7 days. It is very important to avoid facials and massages to the face for up to 2 weeks after the procedure. Avoiding alcohol and strenuous exercising for 24 hours after the procedure is also very important.

                                What do Dermatologists Prescribe for Acne?

    Acne can be treated using a wide variety of either gels or creams or minor procedures depending on the cause, the severity, the frequency and the type of skin of the person affected. Different options include:

  • Topical Treatment – Many gels, creams, and lotions used in the treatment of acne contain retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid or/and topical antibiotics as their active agents. These substances all work using different mechanisms like the removal of dead skin, killing bacteria… It is better to get the right type to achieve desired results.
  • Antibiotic tablets – If the acne is severe, these might be prescribed alongside topical antibiotics to give a symbiotic effect in the treatment.
  • The combined oral contraceptive pill – These can be prescribed to women who only have their acne flare-ups during their period or whose acne is due to a medical condition such as Polycystic Ovarian
  • Comedone extractor- This is a small tool used to physically clean out the pores.
  • Chemical peels –This causes the dead skin to peel off removing debris that clogs the pores.
  • Isotretinoin tablets – Is also effective in treating acne.

                          Best Dermatologist near me

         People are often advised to see a dermatologist first if they have skin problems because they are the ones who can diagnose the problem and prescribe treatment solutions. There are Dermatologists who specialize in Acne. It is best to search for one near you if you think you have Acne, so as to get the right diagnosis of the type of acne and also get the right treatment. It’s not uncommon to hear of some people having their skin damaged because they got treatment from an esthetician who was not trained to perform a particular procedure.

Connect With A Dermatologist Near You


Black, M. and Marshman, G. (2010). Dermatology and pemphigus vulgaris: Association or coincidence?. Australasian Journal of Dermatology, 52(2), pp.e11-e14.

Greenberg, S. (2014). Sustained autoimmune mechanisms in dermatomyositis. The Journal of Pathology, 233(3), pp.215-216.

Lam, C. and Vleugels, R. (2012). Management of cutaneous bruises. Dermatologic Therapy, 25(2), pp.112-134.

Scadden, D. and Srivastava, A. (2012). Advancing Stem Cell Biology toward Stem Cell Therapeutics. Cell Stem Cell, 10(2), pp.149-150.