Where Can I get a Free Hearing Test?
Most hearing aid stores will provide a free screening, as well as most large stores that offer hearing devices like walmart, costco and Walgreens.
Hearing Test Centers Near Me?
You can use our free HEARING AID NEAR ME finder to locate an audiologist near you.
Free Hearing Test for Seniors?
Do Medicare Supplement plans cover hearing aids?
If your medicare part A and Medicare Part B cover something up to about 80% then your Medigap plan will typically kick in.
Types of hearing aids:
- Invisible-In-The-Canal (IIC) This custom-fitted style is inserted farther into the ear canal than other styles, so it’s completely invisible* when worn. …
- Completely-In-Canal (CIC) …
- In-The-Canal (ITC) …
- In-The-Ear (ITE) …
- Receiver-In-Canal (RIC) …
- Behind-The-Ear (BTE)
Low profile hearing aids
Low profile instruments range from half shell designs that fill half the bowl of the outer ear to designs that fill almost the entire outer ear bowl. Like ITC styles, low profile designs are large enough to enable the addition of features such as directional microphones and manual controls, such as a volume wheel and a push-button for changing programs. The size of a low profile style makes it desirable for people with dexterity issues because it is easier to handle than the smaller sizes.
Are online hearing tests as good as ones in the hearing aids store?
What is an audiogram?
The frequencies (or pitches) that have been used during your hearing test are shown on the horizontal axis (the vertical lines). These frequencies are low on the left side of the audiogram (250Hz), then gradually climb to higher frequencies on the right side (8000 Hz or 8kHz). Humans hear frequencies from 20 Hz up to 20,000 Hz, but an audiogram only shows a subset of our hearing range: it focuses on the frequencies that are the most important for a clear understanding of speech (the spoken words).
The volume (loudness) required to reach a person’s hearing threshold is shown on the vertical axis (the horizontal lines). These are expressed in deciBels Hearing Level (dBHL). dBHL are not absolute loudness levels but represent a difference between your hearing and the average “normal” hearing. When scoring 0 dBHL, your hearing exactly matches the norm; higher values are signs of hearing loss. There are tolerances though: normal hearing is defined by thresholds lower than 15 dBHL at all frequencies, not strictly at 0 dBHL. The loudness scale goes from very soft sounds on top (-5 dBHL) to loud sounds at the bottom (80 dBHL).
As you perform this hearing test, markers will be set on the audiogram, and will correspond to your personal hearing thresholds. Once the test is completed, you can read the audiogram as follows: Every sound located above the markers will be inaudible to you. The Overlay button gives you an idea of what these sounds could be.