The type of blood one has said a lot about the personality of the individual. It’s important one knows his/her blood type. Blood type does give an insight on health profile. This ranges from the diseases to which the person would be susceptible to, how well the person can handle stress, the lifespan, and the type of personality one would have.

The Effect Of Blood Types And Health

Although everyone’s blood looks alike. However, the components of blood differ in people. Blood can be classified into 4 different types. They include the following;

  1. Blood type A
  2. Blood type B
  3. Blood type AB
  4. Blood type O

The blood type an individual has is primarily determined by the type of antigen the patient has. Antigens, also known as “antibody generators,” are materials that help the body to identify the body’s own cells, and foreign cells, which might be dangerous to the body. The body immune system rises to action by developing antibodies. This is why it’s important to know your blood type, especially during blood transfusion and so on.

What’s The Connection Between Blood Type and Health?

According to studies, mainly the one carried out by a Japanese professor, Tareji Furukawa, who examined and tried to find a connection between blood type and health. He was eventually able to draw a link between blood type and health. This study was successful because most Japanese knows their blood type, and this is used in different job assessment tests, and on matchmaking websites. Blood type can show a lot about one’s personality trait, and health. Below are the blood types and their various peculiarities;

  1. Blood Type A: An individual would have the blood type A when he/she has the A antigen on the surface of their red blood In addition, they also have IgM antibodies against the B antigen. People with this type of blood can receive blood from persons that have the blood type A and O. Also; they can safely donate blood to people with type A or AB type of blood. Studies have shown that those with Blood type A, are at risk of developing some specific type of diseases. They include pancreatic cancer and leukemia, as compared to other people with other types of blood. In addition, individuals with blood type A have a higher risk of developing smallpox infections, and severe malaria. People with this type of blood are usually level-headed and trustworthy. They have a tendency to suppress their emotions. This makes them seem strong, but essentially, they are fragile people. This makes them prone to falling into depression and also developing anxiety disorders.
  2. Blood type B: This is the type of blood type in which an individual has the B antigen on the surface of their red blood cells. The blood serum of the person would also contain IgM antibodies, against antigen A. An individual with blood type B can freely receive blood from persons with Blood Type B and O. In addition, they can safely donate blood to persons with blood group B and AB. Studies have shown that people with the blood type B, are usually curious, and tend to show interest in everything. In addition, they enjoy doing a lot of things for a hobby but also gets bored easily. They do make good friends and are avid listeners. However, they don’t fail to put themselves and their emotions first, when there is a need to. Lastly, they’re good at reading people and are really intuitive. As for their health, they have a high risk of developing heart diseases, ovarian cancer in women. On the other hand, they have a significantly large amount of friendly bacteria strain in the body, as compared to people with other types of blood. This implies that the food they consume would be properly digested, and utilized.
  3. Blood type AB: This is the most uncommon blood type. Individuals with this type of blood have both antigens A and B on the surface of their red blood cells. Their blood plasma does not contain any antibodies against either the A or B antigen. This means that they can receive blood from any type of blood. In addition, they can donate only blood to anyone with the blood type AB. As for their personality, they are rational, cool and collected individuals. They also tend to have independent minds, which is why they do need time alone to think and make up their minds on issues. Studies have shown with people with this type of blood have an increased risk of developing heart disease. In addition, pregnant women with the blood type AB, also have a high risk of developing pre-eclampsia. According to a neurology journal, it was shown that people with this blood type have a tendency to develop cognitive problems later in life. Some of these include memory loss, attention deficit, and language difficulty. They have a higher chance of developing these problems, as compared to people with other types of blood.
  4. Blood type O: People with this type of blood are known as universal donors, while those that have blood type AB are known as universal recipients. Persons with blood type O do not have antigens A or B on the surface of their red blood cells. In addition, their blood serum contains IgM anti-A and anti-B antibodies. People that have the blood type O can only receive blood from people with Blood type O. In case of emergencies, blood type O negative can be transfused to patients that needs blood. Studies have shown that those with this type of blood are usually sociable, dramatic and overachiever. In addition, they’re generally peace-loving people, and they tend to live a carefree life. They are popular among their relatives and friends, because of many reasons, such as generosity, big-heartedness and so on. However, they might be adamant in some situations.

It’s important to know that this information doesn’t hold true for everyone, but it applies to the majority of people. You should consult your physician to help you check your blood type if you’re in doubt about yours.


Rh-Negative Blood Type and Pregnancy. (2013). Journal Of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 58(6), 725-726. doi: 10.1111/jmwh.12140

ROGERS, M., & GLENDON, A. (2003). Blood type and personality. Personality And Individual Differences, 34(7), 1099-1112. doi: 10.1016/s0191-8869(02)00101-0

Wu, K., Lindsted, K., & Lee, J. (2005). Blood type and the five factors of personality in Asia. Personality And Individual Differences, 38(4), 797-808. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2004.06.004