The body constantly sends signs and signals outside the body about what is going on inside the body. This piece would highlight some of the things you might have to pay more attention to.

  1. Bloated tummy: Almost everyone, at some point, has suffered from the puffer-fish syndrome. A bloated abdomen is a condition that makes people uncomfortable. It is a condition in which the stomach feels stretched and puff. It occurs when the stomach is filled with food substances such as food, fluid, or gas. A bloated tummy is the body’s way of telling that you’re not digesting your food properly, or in some situations that you have a food allergy or intolerance to wheat or lactose. Some of the common causes of bloating include hormonal issues, candida infection, constipation, consumption of an excessive amount of sugar, booze, and may also be an indication of an imbalance between good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract. All types of food can lead to a bloated tummy. Bloated tummy occurs when large meals are consumed. Eating too much at once can also dilute down the acid in the stomach, making it impossible to start breaking down the food efficiently. In addition, enzymes that act optimally at a lower, more acidic pH, cannot function as well, which means that food remains only partially digested and needs to be broken down the more. The breaking down of food is usually done by bacteria in the gut, and the consequent fermentation process leads to the release of gases that may also cause bloating. There are some certain sugars from food that are prone to causing bloating. They are generally referred to as fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, and monosaccharides and so on. Also, foods that include broccoli, cauliflower, artificial sweeteners like maltitol, sorbitol, xylitol, beans do cause the bloating of the abdomen.
  2. Red, inflamed skin and acne: Studies have shown that the causes of skin conditions are numerous and vary from person to person. Skin inflammation and acne are some of the most common skin problems. The study further showed that testosterone is the hormone that promotes acne the most, and this is a problem for males and teenage boys in particular. However, this just doesn’t occur in males, but in females also.

Women tend to develop acne flare-ups about one week before their menstruation starts as a result of a dip in estrogen levels, which helps in preventing the development of acne. Women affected with the polycystic ovarian syndrome tend to have an imbalance of testosterone, and this they do present with weight gain, middle and excess facial hair. Acne could be a signal that you have an underlying hormonal or digestive problem. Acne could also occur as a result of liver imbalance, poor diet, especially when you consume an excessive amount of carbohydrate. Stress and allergies can also lead to the development of acne. Red inflamed acne with a white discharge is an indication of excess carbohydrate consumption and bacterial overgrowth. The pus that comes is as a result of the immune system trying to fight off bacterial infections. The redness and local swelling are seen on the skin are due to pro-inflammatory chemicals that are released by the body, which dilates the local blood vessels so that more of the white blood cells (soldier cells) are recruited to the area to fight the incoming invaders. Some of the ways of preventing acne and skin inflammation include consuming foods that contain healthy omega fatty acids, Vitamins A, C, and E. These are potent antioxidants that also possess anti-inflammatory effects.

  1. White coating on the tongue: There are situations in which a thin white coating develops on the tongue. This could be an indication of digestive disturbances such as iron, Vitamin B deficiency, microbiome imbalance, diabetes. If this condition is due to Vitamin B deficiency and iron, patients may experience tiredness constantly, even after doing what that they used to do without stress before. In addition, thick, white spots on the tongue that looks like pus may also be due to oral thrush, a year infection, or a more severe condition known as leukoplakia. This is a condition in which white patches develop inside the mouth or on the tongue and gums. This is more prevalent in smokers. Other conditions that could cause a white coating on the tongue is oral lichen planus. This is a non-infectious itchy white rash that can develop in many parts of the body, including the inside of the mouth. Some of the ways of improving this condition are by taking good probiotics and some digestive enzymes such as papain from papaya, bromelain from pineapple to assist the digestive system in breaking food down.
  2. Vertical and horizontal nail ridges: Nails that are healthy should be smooth, curved, with a shine to them, and no spots. However, nails have the ability to cause severe self-image and self-esteem harm. Nail ridges could be an indication of an underlying disease, and can also pose a social problem if left untreated. Vertical ridges are usually to be worried about, as they can be caused by dry skin, and the deficiency of calcium, zinc, iron, biotin, vitamin A, and protein. Aging can also cause nail ridging. Other conditions that could lead to vertical nail ridging include repeated wetting and drying of the hands, over-painting the nails. On the other hand, horizontal nail ridges don’t automatically indicate a serious condition if you have them, but it’d be ideal to get yourself checked by your physician. They usually show a retrospect physiological condition and a reduction of the nail matrix activity. Horizontal nail ridging could also be a sign of conditions such as anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, and even more severe conditions like heart, lung, and liver problems. Some of the ways of preventing this problem are by not biting your nails, especially if you have that habit, ensure to wear gloves if you’re constantly running around the house collecting and washing dishes. Eating meals that are rich in multi-vitamin and mineral also helps to improve the general nail health.


What your body is trying to tell you with these 20 symptoms. (2019). Retrieved from

What Your Body Is Trying to Tell You: 9 Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore | Care2 Healthy Living. (2019). Retrieved from