Acid reflux is am a medical condition characterized by retrograde backflow of food form the stomach into the esophagus. Conventionally, digested foods move from the mouth to the stomach via the esophagus. Acid reflux predisposes patients to regurgitation of absorbed food nutrients, hydrochloric acid, and pepsin into the mouth. The regurgitated pepsin could damage the lining of the stomach, and cause other gastrointestinal symptoms. The primary function of pepsin is to digest proteins in the stomach. The regurgitated contents could cause a lot of signs and symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea. Chronic acid ref; Lux has been linked to irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea. The leading cause of diarrhea in acid reflux patients is reduced muscle function and coordination.Proper coordination of the muscles of the digestive tracts, helps in promoting peristalsis and digestion of different classes of foods when the regular rhythm of this digestive process is altered, it could cause a lot of diseases such as acid reflux and GERD.Irritable bowel syndrome causes d by acid reflux is the most common cause of diarrhea in most people.

The sensitivity of the colon during irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) caused by acid reflux is heightened, leading to increased susceptibility of bacteria, food products, and stress levels. Acid reflux alters the sensitive mechanism of the colon leading to irritable bowel syndrome. There is rapid movement of food molecules and peristalsis during IBS             leading to diarrhea and bloating.

Acid reflux is often caused by weakening of the lower esophageal sphincter; this muscle sphincter separates the esophagus from the stomach and prevents regurgitation and backflow of food products from the stomach to the stomach. However, when this sphincter is weak or damaged, there is a retrograde movement of food products, stomach acids, and pepsin, form the stomach to the esophagus.  The bitter taste felt in the mouth, and their irritation of the esophageal lining by this regurgitated acid stimulates the cough reflex. The frequent coughing and burning results in consistent nausea and vomiting found in acid reflux patients.

Heartburn Nausea Diarrhea Fatigue Treatment

The treatment of these common digestive tract symptoms depends on their etiologies. Heartburns can be treated with antacid and h2 receptor blocker. Antibiotics can also be used in treating heartburn if it is related to H. Pylori or gastro-esophageal reflux disease. If the cause of these symptoms is medications, then stopping the drugs would be the best treatment. There are numerous tips for getting rid of heartburn such as:

  1. Avoiding tight clothing
  2. Maintaining proper posture
  3. Drinking mixture of baking soda and water
  4. Avoid smoking
  5. Neutralizing the hydrochloric acid by chewing gum
  6. Taking over the counter drugs g. antacids, h2 receptor blockers,
  7. Don’t sleep before 3 hours post-prandial

Nausea is a common gastrointestinal symptom that could be treated with various drugs, what if I tell you that you can manage it at home with some few tips and tricks such as:

  1. Avoid heavy foods
  2. Reduce intake of fatty, greasy, or strong flavored foods
  3. Stop any Post-prandial activities
  4. Increase intake of cold fluids
  5. Ginger Tea
  6. Medications such as Dimenhydrinate

In Diarrhea, there is an extreme loss of fluid due to increased osmosis and watery fecal excretion. The principal aim of diarrhea treatment is to stay hydrated, eat a bland diet, to taking over the counter drugs. There are some vital tips that help you stay hydrated while treating diarrhea such as:

  1. Drinking sports drinks to replace lost electrolytes
  2. Frequent intake of clear fluids
  3. Eliminating beverages that could worsen the symptoms such as coffee, alcohol and dairy products
  4. Avoid sorbitol-containing gum
  5. Avoid milk for 3 days after the symptoms are reduced. However, you can take probiotics, cheese, or yogurt.


Fatigue is described as physical or mental lack of energy. The treatment of fatigue is directed towards the biology. Most people feel fatigued due to stress, or adverse effects of some medications. There are different therapies for fatigue especially chronic fatigue could be treated with anti-depressants, especially when combined with depression. Cognitive therapy and frequent exercise is also a popular treatment for exhaustion. It is advisable to start slowly and progress gradually.


Can GERD Cause Nausea?

There are numerous causes of nausea such as acid reflux, poisoning, gastro-esophageal reflux disease, pregnancy, infections, and drugs. GERD can cause nausea in a most patient due to the irritation of the stomach and esophageal lining with Hydrochloric acid and pepsin. The sour taste you feel in your mouth, and frequent coughing can lead to nausea and vomiting.

Diarrhea and Heartburn Connection

Heartburn and diarrhea and frequent digestive tract symptoms that occur together in various medical conditions. The most common diseases that present with heartburn and diarrhea include:

  1. Gastro-esophageal reflux diseases
  2. Poisoning
  3. Gastro-enteritis
  4. Irritable bowel syndrome
  5. Traveller’s diarrhea
  6. Lactose intolerance
  7. Side-effects of medications
  8. Antibiotics
  9. Diverticulitis
  10. Cancer

The regurgitation of acidic contents could cause heart burns, and the body tries to compensate for the changes in gastric motility causing diarrhea. The combination of both can be hazardous due to the dehydration caused by diarrhea. It is advisable to consult your medical doctor if you experience both symptoms.

Heartburn Help Guideline

There are specific guidelines that guide diagnosis and treatment of heartburn. These guidelines are used by medical practitioners all over the world.The guidelines and step by step procedures for diagnosis heartburn include:

  1. Empirical Therapy: This involves lifestyle medication especially in people with prolonged heartburn. However, if the patient doesn’t respond to therapy or there is the presence of other complications such as Barrett’s esophagus, it is necessary to carry out another diagnosis.
  2. Endoscopy: This is used to detect complications such as Barrett’s esophagus
  3. Ambulatory Reflux Monitoring: this is the next step in management after the failure of acid suppression, especially in patients with persistent GERD symptoms without mucosa damage evidence.
  4. Esophageal Manometry: It is useful before an anti-reflux


Heartburn Treatment Guidelines

The guidelines for treating heartburns include:

  1. Lifestyle modification ( diet and exercise)
  2. Patient-Directed Therapy: This includes various medications such as h2 receptor blockers, antacids, and proton pump inhibitors (PPI). However, PPIs shouldn’t be used for more than two weeks except prescribed otherwise by the doctor.
  3. Acid Suppression: This is the mainstay treatment of heartburns. It is achieved by using PPIs and antacids
  4. Promotility Agents
  5. Maintenance Therapy: this is aimed at complication prevention.
  6. Anti-reflux surgery
  7. Endoscopic therapy: This is only permitted for those carrying out various clinical trials.
  8. Refractory GERD: The primary mode of treating refractory GERD is to double the dose of proton pump inhibitors to twice daily.

Acid reflux can present with different signs and symptoms but can be managed when adequately treated or controlled.


Cite a Website – Cite This For Me. (2018). Retrieved 26 February 2018, from

GERD. (2018). Retrieved 26 February 2018, from

Kennedy, J. (2018). SELF CARE OF HEARTBURN – Selfcare JournalSelf-care Journal. Retrieved 26 February 2018, from


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