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You Can Recover From Alcoholism And Depression With The Right Treatment

The phrase” trying to drink my troubles away” is a common belief. Some people do seek solace, especially after a mishap. While a once in a while consumption of alcohol is alright, some would run to the bar after a bad break up to drink enough to forget their sorrows. It does help, although for just the night. Then reality kicks in the following morning. That’s when they’d realize they need more shots and bottles to feel alright. This set of people sometimes feel they constantly need to stay intoxicated so they won’t have to live with harsh realities. This is how they get addicted to alcohol. Depression has a direct link with alcoholism. According to statistics, about one-third of people with depression, do have problems with alcohol, as their medical condition progresses. Research has also shown that kids going through depression have higher chances of indulging in alcohol. In addition, women also are more predisposed to alcohol, when compared to men. The truth about alcohol and depression is that alcohol is a depressant, so it doesn’t really matter how much of it an individual drinks. Alcohol can only injure the body organs, and cause more depression.

What Is Depression?

Depression is a mood that causes a patient to have a constant feeling of sadness, emptiness, and hopelessness. This medical condition affects how a person sees the world. It changes how an individual feel, think and the perspective on things. People affected with this condition generally lose interest in many things. They tend to isolate themselves. In severe cases, they might even start having suicidal thoughts. Some of the symptoms of depression include lack of sleep, excessive sleeping, prolonged tiredness and so on. It’s important to know that depression isn’t a disease that can just be snapped out from. However, the good news is that depression can be treated with medications, although this treatment might be long term, it eventually gets the job done. In fact, the majority of people that got help from physicians eventually got better.

What Are The Symptoms Of Depression?

Depression often occurs once in people’s lifetime. However, people might experience many episodes. Symptoms usually happen at different times of the day, and the frequency of their presentation varies from people, and the severity of the depression. Depression alters everything about people affected. This usually includes their relationships with spouse, family, friends and even co-workers. A general symptom is that people affected by depression usually do have a low mood. They lose the ability to perceive and enjoy the good things of life. Everything just looks gloomy, sad and empty for them. They usually feel helpless and hopeless. Below are some of the other symptoms of depression;

  1. Patients affected with depression do have a persistent feeling of sadness, emptiness and hopelessness. Nothing they do makes them better. Some do indulge in alcohol, but this just makes everything worse.
  2. Low mood: Depressed people usually do experience a deterioration in their relationship with people. For example, they might react angrily to trivial matters. In addition, anxiety and frustration make them react harshly to people.
  3. Social isolation: People affected by depression like to isolate themselves, and they also tend to withdraw from social gatherings. They generally lose interest in fun and normal activities such as sports and partying.
  4. Sleep problems: People suffering from depression do commonly present with serious sleep problems. This could occur as lack of sleep, and sometimes, they just tend to sleep too much. Some of them drink enough alcohol to knock them off to sleep, but this only worsens their depression in the long run.
  5. Fatigue: Depressed people usually complain of lack of energy. They frequently feel exhausted after doing little things. They can sometimes spend days in their bed, doing nothing. They generally lack the mental will to do anything. Performing even a small task requires a lot of will and energy from them.
  6. Eating disorder:  This is usually a mental compensation for their problems. People do have a belief that they can eat their problems away. This could be the reason why they tend to eat a lot, and frequently too. This might eventually lead to weight gain and obesity, if not put under control.
  7. Anxiety, anger and frustration: This usually occurs because of the lack of a solution to their problems. They’d become angry and frustrated. This can be seen in the way they react to things. They tend to become harsh and get angry over small matters.
  8. Concentration problems: People affected by depression usually do have a hard time concentrating. They also tend to forget things easily and have difficulties making a good decision. In most cases, their decisions are always reckless and not well-thought out.



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Help with Addiction to Alcohol and Drugs



Don’t Let Depression And Alcohol Steal Your Life

It’s easy to grab a drink after a bad day, because this might just give some relief for the day, however, alcohol is a depressant. The consistent use of alcohol as a way out of depression would only make it worse. People who try to drink their way out of depression would need a lot of it because they’d always need more. Alcohol doesn’t improve depression; it makes it worse. The good news is, there are medications for this medical condition.

Treatment For Alcoholism And Depression

There are medications for the treatment of this medical condition that has proved effective. The majority of people that have undergone medication and psychotherapy were cured. Some of the medications are;

  1. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: This is usually the first line treatment drug for depression. This is because they’re effective and don’t have a lot of side effects. Examples include citalopram and paroxetine.
  2. Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
  3. Tricyclic antidepressants
  4. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

Depression Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Below are some of the symptoms you should not ignore if you notice anyone around presenting with them. They include;

  1. Lack of focus, and an unusual inability to make good decisions.
  2. Persistent tiredness
  3. Isolation
  4. Sleep problems: They would often show up at work late, and when they’re students, they might miss the majority of their classes, and even examinations



We Can Help



Help with Addiction to Alcohol and Drugs



Allen, D. (2014). Depression, excessive alcohol consumption and nalmefene. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry, 18(5), pp.14-15.

Anxiety and Depression in Alcohol Dependence Syndrome. (2017). International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 6(1), pp.2282-2286.

Forsell, Y. (2006). A three-year follow-up of major depression, dysthymia, minor depression and subsyndromal depression: results from a population-based study. Depression and Anxiety, 24(1), pp.62-65.

Saatcioglu, O., Yapici, A. and Cakmak, D. (2008). Quality of life, depression and anxiety in alcohol dependence. Drug and Alcohol Review, 27(1), pp.83-90.

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