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Cognitive behavioral therapy is an important part of the treatment of addiction and substance abuse. It makes an analysis of the behaviors and reasons behind an individual’s addiction or dependence. It can also be used to develop a treatment plan for the people struggling with alcoholism and other forms of addiction.

What Is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is the most severe form of alcohol abuse. It’s a condition in which an individual is unable to control their drinking habits. This includes the amount of alcohol they consume, and the frequency of their drinking. This condition is also referred to as the alcohol use disorder. Alcoholism can be categorized into three parts, based on the severity. These are mild, moderate and severe. Each of these categories is bad and have side effects on people’s health. This condition, in left unmanaged, can ruin not just the mental and physical health of the individual, but also the life of the person, including relationships, jobs and so on. People suffering from alcohol use disorder find it impossible to live without it. Asides this, alcoholism is closely linked to depression. Getting off alcohol might be difficult for chronic drinkers. Rehabilitation centers have been the most effective way of treating alcoholism. This is why it’s necessary to seek the help of professionals. Before going into details, it’s imperative to know why people become alcohol addicts.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Substance Abuse

Cognitive behavioral therapy for substance abuse is a psychotherapy treatment for drug abuse. The purpose of the cognitive behavioral therapy is for people to be more conscious, and aware of their feelings, thoughts, and behavior. It also addicts reach their goals faster. As an illustration, the therapist might ask the patient to write down or talk about the things on his/her mind before using the substance, the night or day before. The patient might also be introduced to new activities, such as support groups, where he/she can associate and discuss with people with the same problem. The session usually doesn’t exceed one hour, and they are held over a period of 3 months. This duration could be longer, depending on the outcome. However, the initial steps to take before starting the program is to agree with the patient, on which goals, he/she is trying to attain. This is what the therapist would work with.

What Is Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction is a disease in which an individual can’t stop himself from consuming a certain drug. This condition is characterized by the drug seeking and use that is compulsive, and difficult to control, regardless of the serious dangerous effects. Drug addiction usually starts when an individual decides to take a drug, probably for the treatment of pain, or a cough. However, the repeated consumption of this drug might lead to a tolerance in the system of the patient. This means that the patient would need to take more of the drug, to achieve the desired result. This continues until the patient can’t do without the drug. Patients usually find it hard to resist the urge of taking the medications. After doing this for a long time, the patient might develop withdrawal symptoms when they try to abstain, or stop using the drug. The most common drug that people get addicted to is opiates. These are drugs that are used for the treatment of pain. Opiates are one of the most addictive substances in the world, especially in the United States. A lot of prescriptions are administered every year, with patients getting addicted to these drugs.


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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Addiction Treatment Centers

Treatment centers are very vital in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. However, the success also depends on how cooperative the patient is. As explained earlier, rehabilitation centers make use of 4 steps in treating patients;

What Causes Alcoholism?

People drink alcohol for different reasons. Alcohol isn’t bad, however, it becomes bad when people abuse it. Just like every other thing in this world, anything, when abused, becomes a problem. Below are some of the reasons why people drink;

Is There Hope For Me?

It’s difficult to treat drug and alcohol addiction by yourself. Rehabilitation centers have proved to be the most effective way of getting off drugs and stopping alcoholism. There is hope for every addict, as long as the patient would be willing to cooperate with the therapists and be truthful. This can be achieved within a period of one month to 3 months, depending on the severity of the addiction.


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Allen, D. (2014). Depression, excessive alcohol consumption, and nalmefene. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry, 18(5), pp.14-15.

Anxiety and Depression in Alcohol Dependence Syndrome. (2017). International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 6(1), pp.2282-2286.

Forsell, Y. (2006). A three-year follow-up of major depression, dysthymia, minor depression and subsyndromal depression: results from a population-based study. Depression and Anxiety, 24(1), pp.62-65.