Drug rehabilitation centers are the haven for addicts. Drug users usually do feel hopeless and frustrated, especially when they’ve become addicted to the drugs they consume and have lost the willpower and control to stop taking them. Substance abuse is a prevalent problem in the society. This has been the case for a long time, but the good news is, there are now more rehabilitation centers for addicts to seek help. According to statistics, an estimated value of about 23 million people needs treatment for substance abuse, and alcohol addiction. The two most common substance abused by people include marijuana and heroin. These were the two substances people sought. However, there are lots of drugs people abuse, ranging from morphine to codeine, Percocet, methadone and so on. This addiction starts when a patient gets a prescription for pain or a cough. These patients then become used to the way the drug makes them feel, therefore developing an addiction for them. Patients might start feeling that the drug isn’t as effective as when they started using them. This can be attributed to a condition, known as tolerance. Tolerance is a condition in which the substance consumed builds up in the body, and the patient would have to increase his/her dosages. Patients then tend to consume more dosages of the drug, to achieve a favorable effect. This might eventually lead to physical dependence. Which would make the patient completely dependent on the drug, regardless of the side effects. This is how addiction starts. Drug addicts looking to get clean do decide to undergo drug rehabilitation.
Drug Rehab Centers
Drug rehabilitation centers do help addicts get off their addiction, and restore them to the normal mental and physical health. However, the first thing to do is to look for a rehabilitation center that you’d be comfortable in. The least period of being in a rehab center is 30 days. However, this can be as long as 3 months, depending on the severity of the addiction, and the recovery rate of the patient. Most rehabilitation centers do take the patients through 3 basic steps.
- Evaluation: Evaluation entails taking some information from the patient. This can be likened to the case history of the individual. Information such as the family history, medical history, what type of drug the addicts take, and the frequency of usage. After this is done, the patient would be physically examined. Then, a psychological and full medical evaluation of the patient will be done. Patients must open up to the doctor and counselor about their habits. The information got from this patient, and his family or friends would be used to create a treatment plan for the patient. This is why it’s important for the patient to provide the correct information.
- Detoxification: This is the process whereby the patient is gotten off drugs. The rehabilitation uses a different method to take the patient off the substance. Although, this is done The patient is fed well, and medications to avoid any withdrawal symptoms.
- Therapy: Patients are put in support groups. The role of this group is to help the patients open up to each other, and share their struggles together. It has been observed that this method is very effective.
Patients do feel comfortable, talking to other people going through their situation. However, some patients are not comfortable sharing their struggle with others, but would instead do that with a personal counselor. Some rehab centers do provide this kind of arrangement.
Drug Addiction Rehab for Opioid Dependence
Once an individual is addicted to opioids, it becomes challenging to live without it. In fact, people addicted to this type of drug, do not have a normal life. Opioid addiction causes a lot of negative things such as death, destroy families, careers, accidents and so on. This doesn’t have to be the case, rehabilitation centers with the cooperation of the patient can turn things around for the individual. If you have a family member that is an addict, it’s important to encourage them to join a rehab center. The rehabilitation process for opioid dependence can be divided into 4 steps, just as earlier mentioned;
- Assessment: The first step in this program is to assess the medical and psychological status of the patient. Also, they check for the extent and severity of the addiction. This is determined based on tests performed on the patient, and the history got from him/her. Treatment is made for the patient based on the information provided.
- Detoxification: The patient is cleansed from any form of the drug, in this case, opioids. This process can be dangerous, as patients generally do present with withdrawal syndrome. This is why it’s done gradually until the patient can live entirely without the drugs.
- Rehabilitation: The rehab center will create a plan that is specific for the patient by helping him/her recover. This includes counseling, therapies, support groups, and even alternative therapies.
- Aftercare: This is done before the patient completes his/her rehabilitation. This is done to prevent a relapse from occurring. The aftercare usually involves doctor/nurse appointments. The patient would also be tested periodically for the presence of drugs. The counselor might also be dedicated to the patient, for regular consultations.
Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline
Opiate drugs can produce withdrawal symptoms some hours after the last dose of the drug. This can persist for a week and more. Withdrawing from these drugs, without professional help can lead to serious complications. Below are the withdrawal symptoms timeline;
- Early Withdrawal Symptoms
The early withdrawal symptoms usually start within the range of 6 to 12 hours, after taking short-acting opiates, and 30 hours for long-acting opiates. Below are some of the symptoms;
- Anxiety
- Instability
- Running nose
- Sweat
- Palpitation
- Fever
- High blood pressure.
- Late Withdrawal Symptoms
This occurs after about 72 hours and can last for a week. Below are some of the symptoms;
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Depression
- Abdominal upset
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