Gynecomastia is an issue that affects the breast, and it goes a long way in affecting the hormones in the human body. Gynecomastia happens to be the enlargement of the breast tissues as a result of a hormonal imbalance in the body. This abnormal enlargement happens in boys and men as it develops at various stages in connection with certain medical conditions.

It occurs when there are excess female hormones compared to androgens, male hormones. It is evident that the major Gynecomastia is about an enlarged glandular tissue instead of fat tissue. The fat tissue that appears at the area of the breast is called pseudo-gynecomastia.

This can also affect either one or both breasts of the individual, and it can also occur unevenly. When a child goes through the transition of puberty or becomes older, they can develop Gynecomastia based on the normal changes that occur in the hormonal levels. This is not a devastating health problem, but the condition can be tough to deal with.

Some of the feelings that come with the Gynecomastia is a painful feeling in the breast, which may be an embarrassing feeling. The condition of Gynecomastia goes on its own, but the persistent feeling would require surgery and medication. It is very crucial that we understand the main causes of Gynecomastia and know the symptoms that come with the disease.

We are made to know that so many diseases, medications, and situations that can lead to Gynecomastia. For instance, the consumption of drugs like antibiotics, corticosteroids, and opioids can lead to Gynecomastia. Drugs like heartburn, anxiety drugs, and tee tree oil can cause Gynecomastia too.

Some individuals that suffer from cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism, and obesity and are treating these diseases can have Gynecomastia. Gynecomastia occurs as a result of a decline in the amount of testosterone hormone compared to the estrogen hormone. In this light, the decline can lead to creating a condition that blocks the effect of reduced testosterone hormone or increased estrogen levels.

There are lots of situation that can cause an imbalance in the hormones, and here are some of the conditions that can cause it.


Medication happens to be one of the major causes of Gynecomastia, and we are going to be discussing some of the medications that can cause the disease. Some drugs like androgen and anabolic steroids can lead to Gynecomastia. Individuals that are treating prostate enlargement, prostate cancer, and other related conditions like flutamide and spironolactone with the use of anti-androgens are at the risk of having Gynecomastia.

However, men that are already HIV positive that are receiving a treatment regimen, which is a highly active antiretroviral therapy can develop Gynecomastia. This is an AIDS medication that is really active and can increase the risk of developing Gynecomastia. People that also suffer anxiety go for very strong treatments. Here they use medication like diazepam.

This medication could affect the balance of the hormone in their body, thereby leading to Gynecomastia. In the case of ulcer, the individuals that suffer from ulcer experience these conditions for some time and use ulcer medications like cimetidine. This can result in the development of Gynecomastia.

Depression is a serious health issue that requires serious medical attention. While the treatment of depression is administered, anti-depressants happen to be part of the medications to be prescribed. This tricyclic anti-depressant can make the individual experience Gynecomastia.

Chemotherapy is a treatment for cancer, and it is known to affect the hormones of the individual, thereby causing Gynecomastia. Heart medications also have their way of causing Gynecomastia. Medications like calcium channel blockers can increase the risk of Gynecomastia.

 Natural Hormonal Change

The estrogen controls the traits of the female, such as the growth of breast, and the testosterone hormone controls the male trait such as muscle mass and body hair. Although there is a misconception by people that the estrogen hormone is only for the female individual, but men also produce the hormone.
Furthermore, numerous situations and conditions can cause the hormones of the body to be affected. The normal hormone changes are one of the conditions that can cause Gynecomastia. Talking about the testosterone and estrogen hormone, the hormones control the maintenance and development of the features of sex in both women and men.

This estrogen hormone is produced in small quantity by men, and when the estrogen level in the men is too high or not at the same balance with the testosterone level, it causes Gynecomastia. When the male infants are born with enlarged breast, it is as a result of the effect of their mother’s estrogen as it causes gynecomastia in infants. In this case, the tissues of the swollen breast disappear within two to three weeks of birth.

At the stage of puberty, when there is a drastic change in the hormones of an individual. It could lead to Gynecomastia, and it could be treated within six months to two years. It is an issue with men because they experience it again between the ages of 50 and 69. One in four men gets affected with Gynecomastia.

Sign and Symptoms

How would an individual know that he has Gynecomastia? What are the symptoms of Gynecomastia? Since Gynecomastia is the enlargement of the breast, one of the symptoms is the enlargement of the individual’s breast in a symmetrical location to the nipple and has a firm feel. It affects both sides of the breast but sometimes develops on one side. The condition is painless but tender and sensitive.


To treat Gynecomastia, individuals should know that within six months to one year it would go away on its own. If it stays longer than expected, it is advised that the individual sees a physician. The physician might take a test to be able to know the major cause of the Gynecomastia. This might lead to surgery.

Finally, men should know that drug abuse and alcohol can also cause Gynecomastia. Skin care products and Levander oil can also cause Gynecomastia. So individuals must see a physician for proper diagnosis.