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There are situations in which people feel sick at home. This could be caused by a lot of things. As an illustration, it could be due to the exposure to chemical contaminants from exhausts in the bathroom, or from plumbing vents. Other things that could make one sick at home include volatile organic compounds. This may sound unfamiliar, but these substances are present in pesticides, tobacco smoke, carpets, furniture, and so on. Other things that could make one sick include smoke from fireplace, oven and so on.

Homes that are around construction sites also have a high chance of making people sick. In addition, contaminants in the form of droppings from bird and insects can also make one sick.

How Would You Know That Your Home Makes You Sick?

Some of the things you might observe if your home is making are you sick is that you might develop headaches, nausea, coughing fits, and sudden exhaustion. Sometimes, this might appear as an allergy, especially when people affected has irritation in their eyes, throat or nose.

 Other symptoms that might be noticed include itchy and dry skin, and well as difficult to concentrate.
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What Are The Things That Could Make You Sick At Home?

There are a lot of things that could make one sick at home. Some of these things have been highlighted above. Below are some other things that could make one sick:

  • Dirty sheets: There are only a few things that are more satisfying than falling into a warm, clean and fresh smelling, well-laid bed, especially after having a long day. However, the reverse is the case when there are bed bugs, and dust mites in the bedsheets. This would make life very uncomfortable for whoever lives in the house. An uncomfortable bed may leave the individual no option than to sleep on the couch instead of the bed. This, if allowed to continue, without looking for a solution can make the inhabitants of the homesick. According to studies, an average person sheds roughly about half an ounce of dead skin every week, which remains in the sheets, and becomes food material for the dust mites. The fecal matter and other debris left behind can cause some scary effects, such as worsening eczema, irritations of the skin, seasonal allergies and more. It’s important to regularly wash your bedsheets, in warm water, at least once per week, to keep these irritants away, and also to avoid getting sick.
  • Contaminated heating and cooling vents: One of the things why people feel sick when a home is because of infected heating and cooling vents. If you start feeling extra allergic or you notice you often feel ill without reason, this might be because of a contaminated cooling or heating system in your house. Studies have shown that a little amount of dust in the pipes at home is normal and harmless to a large extent. However, there are situations in which molds and debris accumulate, and are capable of causing harm to people’s health. Research is still ongoing if cleaning the pipes could improve the situation. However, a large percentage of people agree that eliminating molds and other types of toxins from the pipe is the right thing to do, especially when the occupants of the house are falling sick without reason.
  • Age of your vacuum: This is one of the things that could make people sick, that a lot of people don’t pay attention to. Although a vacuum cleaner is seen as a staple cleaning tool in your home, it may actually be doing more harm than good. Studies have shown that vacuums depending on the price, brand, and age do release some materials into the air, such as dust, bacteria, and allergies into the air. This has been more noticed in old vacuums, as compared to vacuum cleaners that have filters in them. One of the ways of solving this problem is by getting a vacuum cleaner that has a high-efficiency particulate air filter and cleans it regularly. Also, another thing to consider is your proximity to air pollutants, such as those from a factory, highway, and airport.
  • Wools and furs from pets: This is also one of the things that makes people feel sick when they are home. Some people like to keep pets inside their house. In fact, some individuals like to sleep with their pets in the same house. However, this might not be without some complications. Some pets do have the potential to make people feel sick. As an illustration, small bits of dead skin, furs, wools are able to cause people to sneeze and sniffle, especially individuals that have a pet allergy. According to studies, some of the best ways of preventing from happening is by keeping the pets off your furniture, fabrics, carpets as much as you can. Another way is to ensure you dust and clean your home often, to stop dander from accumulating.
  • Home cleaning products: Most house cleaning products have a lot of components that are potentially harmful and can cause problems for people’s health. Some of the components of these products are capable of causing cancers. Examples of these products include laundry detergents, especially those that contain formaldehyde, jewelry cleaners. Good news is that there are a lot of natural ingredients that could be used in cleaning homes. Some of these include natural ingredients like lemon, cooking oil, vinegar, baking soda, and so on. These natural ingredients would help to keep the protect the health.
  • Check for the presence of molds: There are sometimes hidden patches of mold in some parts of the home. This is usually in bathrooms, showerhead, basement and so on. Studies have shown that molds tend to grow in damp areas, especially if there isn’t enough airflow or room for the moisture to escape. Some of the side effects of molds include nausea, headaches, nasal congestion, and so on. One of the ways to prevent this from happening is by eliminating molds from these places. However, you must protect yourself while trying to do this. It’s recommended that people make use of detergents and water to remove the molds off any hard surfaces.


Johanning, E., Auger, P., Morey, P., Yang, C., and Olmsted, E. (2013). Review of health hazards and prevention measures for response and recovery workers and volunteers after natural disasters, flooding, and water damage: mold and dampness. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 19(2), pp.93-99.

mTRUCKSESS, M., STOLOFF, L., and MISLIVEC, P. (1988). Effect of Temperature, Water Activity, and Other Toxigenic Mold Species on Growth of Aspergillus flavus and Aflatoxin Production on Corn, Pinto Beans, and Soybeans. Journal of Food Protection, 51(5), pp.361-363.

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