University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center ranked No. 1 in cancer

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U.S. News & World Report, the global authority in hospital rankings, today released the 2017-18 Best Hospitals rankings.

In their 28th year, the rankings and ratings compare more than 4,500 medical centers nationwide in 25 specialties, procedures and conditions.

For the second consecutive year, the Mayo Clinic claimed the No. 1 spot on the Best Hospitals Honor Roll. The Cleveland Clinic ranked No. 2, followed by Johns Hopkins Hospital at No. 3, up from No. 4 last year. The Honor Roll is a distinction awarded to 20 hospitals that deliver exceptional treatment across multiple areas of care.

This year a total of 152 hospitals were nationally ranked in at least one specialty. For patients seeking care close to home, U.S. News also recognized 535 Best Regional Hospitals, ranking them by state and metro area based on their performance in both complex and common care.

In the specialty rankings, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center ranked No. 1 in cancer, the Cleveland Clinic is No. 1 in cardiology & heart surgery and Hospital for Special Surgery is No. 1 in orthopedics.

The 2017-18 Best Hospitals Honor Roll
1. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
2. Cleveland Clinic
3. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore
4. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
5. UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco
6. University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers, Ann Arbor
7. Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles
8. New York-Presbyterian Hospital, N.Y.
9. Stanford Health Care-Stanford Hospital, Stanford, Calif.
10. Hospitals of the University of Pennsylvania-Penn Presbyterian, Philadelphia
11. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles
12. Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis
13. Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago
14. UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside, Pittsburgh
15. University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora
16. Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals, Philadelphia
17. Duke University Hospital, Durham, N.C.
18. Mount Sinai Hospital, New York
19. NYU Langone Medical Center, New York
20. Mayo Clinic Phoenix

Top Five Best Hospitals in Selected Specialties

Top 5: Cardiology & Heart Surgery
1. Cleveland Clinic
2. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
3. New York-Presbyterian Hospital, N.Y.
4. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles
5. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston

Top 5: Cancer
1. University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston
2. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York
3. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
4. Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center, Boston
5. Seattle Cancer Care Alliance/University of Washington Medical Center

Top 5: Orthopedics
1. Hospital for Special Surgery, New York
2. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
3. Cleveland Clinic
4. Rothman Institute at Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals, Philadelphia
5. Rush University Medical Center, Chicago

The U.S. News methodologies in most areas of care are based largely on objective measures such as risk-adjusted survival and readmission rates, volume, patient experience, patient safety and quality of nursing, among other care-related indicators. Methodology updates made for 2017-18 included:

More data: Five years of Medicare data – covering more than 60 million hospitalizations – were used to calculate Procedures and Conditions ratings, as opposed to three years used in previous ratings.
Best Regional Hospitals: Procedures and conditions ratings, which rely entirely on objective data, were emphasized more than specialty rankings in determining state and metro rankings.
Socioeconomic status and transfer patients: Day in and day out, hospitals treat patients of varying income levels, ages and health challenges. U.S. News improved its measurements to avoid penalizing hospitals for treating low-income patients or for accepting high-risk cases transferred from other hospitals.
Volume: The number of patients treated, which reflects a hospital’s level of experience, has long been an important quality indicator in U.S. News rankings. This year, U.S. News refined how it measures volume to improve comparability among hospitals.
For details on these and other 2017-18 methodology changes, read more.

“Covering nearly every hospital in every U.S. community, U.S. News offers deep, rich data that patients can use to help them make informed decisions about where to receive surgical or medical care,” said Ben Harder, managing editor and chief of health analysis at U.S. News. “We know outcomes matter most, which is why U.S. News is committed to publishing as much data as possible on patient outcomes.”

Best Hospitals is part of U.S. News’ patient portal, designed to help patients make informed decisions about where to receive care. The rankings are produced by U.S. News with RTI International, a leading research organization based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. For more information, see the FAQ.

In an exclusive arrangement, the launch of this edition of Best Hospitals is being sponsored by Fidelity Investments. The rankings will be published in the U.S. News “Best Hospitals 2018” guidebook (ISBN 978-1931469869), available for pre-order from the U.S. News Store for delivery in mid-September.

For the full rankings, visit Best Hospitals and use #BestHospitals on Facebook and Twitter.

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