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Psoriasis is a chronic auto-immune dermatological disease, in which the body’s immune system sends a wrong signal to the brain to the stimulate proliferation of new skin growth. The body keeps producing new cells at an abnormal rate. The convention physiological duration for skin replacement and formation takes weeks, however, in psoriasis, new skins are formed within days. Contrary to general opinion, Psoriasis cannot be transmitted by physical contact, don’t be scared of touching your friends or loved ones with psoriasis. It is often caused by genetic factors inherited from parents or a family line. The frequent formation of new skin without shedding old skin cells leads to the formation of irregular patches on the skin caused psoriasis.

Types of Psoriasis

There are different types of psoriasis based on shape and mechanism of formation. However, some people develop a particular kind or numerous types at once. There have been some specific cases, where the psoriasis types change during the diseases from one form to another. The most common types of psoriasis include:

  1. Plaque: It is also called psoriasis vulgaris, and it causes dry raised, and red lesions on the skin, these lesions are covered with silver scales. They are often very painful and itchy and can occur in different parts of the body .it is the most common type of psoriasis and commonly found in the genitals, and soft tissues in the mouth.
  2. Guttate: This type of psoriasis is common in infants and young children and often triggers by a sore It manifests as water-drop lessons on the limbs, scalp, and trunks. It can occur as a single outbreak or repeated episodes.
  3. Pustular: This is the most uncommon type of psoriasis. It presents as a pustule filled lesions often found in the limbs and It can cause fever, chills, and diarrhea.
  4. Erythrodermic or exfoliative psoriasis: It presents as a red peeling rash that covers every part of your body.
  5. Inverse: This is also called flexural psoriasis or intertriginous It is often triggered by fungus infection and found in the armpit, groin, below the breast, and around the are a patchy red lesion that worsens with friction and sweating.
  6. Psoriatic Arthritis: This type of psoriasis presents with joint manifestations. There are swelling, redness, and pain in the joint affected. It may also lead to permanent deformity in the joint affected.

Psoriasis Causes and Cures

Psoriasis is a prevalent dermatological disease in developed countries. About 75 million Americans have psoriasis and close to 80 percent of them have plaque psoriasis. The primary cause of psoriasis is genetics. Most psoriatic patients have a family history or members with this dermatological disease. Interestingly, some people could have a family history or family members with psoriasis and never develop the disease. Despite, this uncertainty about genetic etiologies, genetics is the leading cause of psoriasis.

Psoriasis is more common in whites than blacks, infants and young kids have higher tendency to develop inverse or guttate psoriasis. Psoriasis is not an age-specific disease but is more common in some age group than the other. 15- 30 years is the most susceptible age range for psoriasis, at age 40, about two-thirds of the population might have psoriasis. Age 50 -60 years is also another sensitive age range for this dermatological disease.

IT is mostly caused by inheriting the genes responsible for psoriasis; this diseases only ma infests after a trigger, so don’t be scared of contacting this disease in swimming pool or by shaking psoriatic patients. Moreover, some people inherit the psoriatic gene, but without sufficient triggers to manifest psoriatic symptoms.

Psoriasis is a chronic auto-immune dermatological disease with no cure, but there is a various treatment to help relieve the signs and symptoms of psoriasis. The treatment options include:

  1. Topical corticosteroids
  2. Topical retinoid
  3. Anthralin
  4. Vitamin D analog
  5. Coal tars
  6. Calcineurin Inhibitors
  7. Salicylic acids
  8. Moisturizers
  9. Light therapy
  10. Oral medications
  11. Alternative medicine

Triggers for Psoriasis

However, there are some triggers that could stimulate the psoriatic symptoms, such triggers include:

  • Stressful Events
  • A sore throat
  • Harsh weather conditions: Sudden change in hot or cold weather could spur psoriatic symptoms
  • Medications: Antimalarial drugs and lithium are the most common drugs that could trigger psoriasis.

How do you get Psoriasis of the Skin?

There is no concrete reason on how we get psoriasis of the skin. However, various research has proven that people with genetic makeup for psoriasis develops this disease when exposed to specific triggers psoriasis is not infections or communicable. You can get psoriasis or spread it to people. The only way you can get psoriasis of the skin is if you have the genetic makeup or family history, and you are frequently exposed to various trigger factors that cause psoriatic flare-up symptoms.

Can you get rid of Psoriasis?

There is currently no cure for psoriasis; scientists are working hard to find a permanent cure for these dermatological diseases. There are different treatment options to help ease the symptoms, reduce inflammation, pain, and eliminate the plaques and patches.

The treatment options could be topical or medications. There are different topical corticosteroids and retinoid for alleviating psoriatic symptoms. Alternative medicines, light therapy, and specific skin moisturizes can help in reducing the systems.

Is there a Permanent Cure for Psoriasis?

No, there is no permanent cure for psoriasis, but there are different treatment options that could improve the quality of life of the patient.  The primary goal of psoriasis treatment is to ease the symptoms, eliminate inflammation, and remove the scaly patches on the skin.

The best treatment for psoriasis is significant control, the medical doctor or dermatologist prescribe specific therapy for you, this treatment plans or options are based on your symptoms and type of psoriasis. Your medical doctor or dermatologist would perform some particular examination to make a diagnosis, and devise a treatment plan.

Psoriasis is a common auto-immune dermatological disease with idiopathic etiology and cure. It is not a communicable disease and cannot be transmitted by physical contact. Contact your medical doctor or dermatologist for the best treatment plan for you.

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Learn about plaque psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, inverse psoriasis, and pustular psoriasis | National Psoriasis Foundation. (2018). Retrieved 8 March 2018, from

Psoriasis | American Academy of Dermatology. (2018). Retrieved 8 March 2018, from

Skin & Cancer Foundation Inc – World Psoriasis Day 2015. (2018). Retrieved 8 March 2018, from