Medicare Annual Election Period

If you are familiar with Medicare then you are most likely aware of the Annual Election Period 2018 (AEP) each year during which you are allowed to sign up for or switch your current Medicare Advantage plan or Part D prescription drug plan. This brief window of time is typically from October 15th through December 7th. There is also another period of time at the beginning of the year in which those who are on a Medicare Advantage plan may drop their plan in order to go on original Medicare. This period is usually from January 1st through February 14th.

What a lot of people are not aware of, and an issue that often gets brought up in my appointments is that these dates have nothing to do with anyone who is on Medicare and has a Medicare Supplement Plans or Medigap Quotes. Those who are on traditional Medicare and have a Supplement are not bound by these enrollment periods and can switch Supplement plans any time they choose. The only part that they cannot change outside of the Open Enrollment period is the Part D prescription plan.

What this means is that if you are unhappy with your Medicare Supplement plan or have experienced a premium increase recently, you have the option to switch plans at any time during the year. However, just be aware that you will still have to be medically underwritten and qualify for the new plan unless you fall under a special election period.

If you are unhappy with your current Medicare Supplement policy or if you would like to see if you can save money on your current premium, speak with a qualified local insurance agent who can show you your options.

Medicare Supplement Insurance and Medicare Advantage open enrollment for 2018,2019 including prescription drug plan changesMedicare Open Enrollment 2018

Open Enrollment refers to the period when you are first enrolled in Medicare Part B and can go with any plan of your choosing, including Medicare Supplements, without underwriting.


Open Enrollment Trigger Date

Your trigger date is when you start your PART B so understand the importance of this date ….if you start your PART B when you turn 65 but decide not to stop working until 67 and enroll in a Medicare supplement you may be required to go through underwriting.

Medical Savings Account Plans

The maximum deductible for current law MSA plans for 2018 is $11,950.


Many providers are now allowing for technology applications (ieTell A Doc)  to help providers provide better service to clients and telmedicine is part of a white glove customer service coming to the forefront of medical and will hopefully be a part of the future of client care.


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