Water is a substance that is crucial for the human body as it is evident that people cannot do without water in a day, especially for consumption. According to the National Institute of Health report, about 60% of an average adult human body is built of water, and this includes most of the heart, lungs, brains, muscles, the skin, and also about 30% of the bones. This is how essential water is to the human body as it is the main constituent that makes up the body.

Water also has other importance in the body, and apart from being the main constituent in the body, it also helps transport nutrients throughout the body. Water helps to flush waste from the body, produces saliva and plays a role in the joints like with synovial fluid. Water helps regulate the internal temperature of the body as it also serves as a shielding shock absorber for growing fetuses and the vital organs in the body.

Some people believe in drinking 8 glasses of water daily as they call it the 8×8 rule. They say it is the healthiest way of taking water, while some others feel that you only need to drink water when you are feeling thirsty. The way we drink water and how much water we need to take daily is determinant on numerous factors. Here in this article, we are going to be discussing with facts on how much water you need to drink in a day.
Due to the fact that water has so much benefit to the body, but having known as much has been revealed in this article, the question is how much water do we need to drink in a day? This debate has gone viral, and lots of people have their opinions with regards to this topic.

The 8×8 Rule

As we go further, we need to understand that the body regulates lots of processes in our organs, repairs cells, and lots of other things to keep the body alive. In this procedure of regulating and metabolism the body goes through, water is highly needed. However, as much as we need water for these biological processes, we also lose water, which is primarily presented as urine and sweat.

This could, therefore, lead to dehydration, and you may need to drink some water to balance your body fluid. When you consider the various opinions of people with regards to how much water to drink, you consider the 8×8 rule, which is mostly recommended by the health authorities has been inculcated into our society. This rule is very easy to remember, as it is a decent place for a healthy individual to begin.

The Total Water Goal

On the other hand, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies have been able to propose a concept for you to focus on a total water goal. This involves all kinds of liquid and food you consume as you target at least 2 to 3 liters of water for women and men daily.

This is different from those who believe in the 8 X 8 rule. However, it is crucial not to forget that this recommendation includes total water consumption. This means that all the forms of liquid you consume every day is contributing to the achievement of your daily water goal. These liquids come in various forms such as beverages like milk, fruits, juice, coffee, tea, and foods like vegetables, to mention but a few. You must know that sweetened beverages should be taken minimally, but more of the unsweetened beverages such as sugar-free products and sparkling water should be consumed more.

So in order to perfect this total water intake goal, you must focus on 20% water consumption from food and the remaining 80% would come from liquids. Some other health experts believe that you don’t need to be thirsty before you drink water, but you can continually sip on water all through the day. This way, you must have consumed the required amount of water your body needs to stay strong and healthy. This is very beneficial to people trying to lose more fat rapidly.

What are the Factors that Contribute to the Ultimate Need for Water?

There are so many factors that contribute to an individuals’ ultimate need for water. Furthermore, we are also going to be exposing us to some studies of water consumption as we lay bare the facts and connect your individual needs to the amount of water consumption your body requires. So we start by asking questions based on our experience if the level of our water intake is adequate for the required level of energy and the proper functioning of our brain.

Mild Dehydration

There are several claims by people stating that your inability to remain hydrated throughout the day can lead to a drop-down of your energy level, and a drop in your mental capacity.  A study was conducted on women with regards to the effect mild dehydration has on their health, and it was discovered that there was a 1.36% loss of fluid in women after exercises. This led to a reduction in concentration and mood, and there was an increased frequency in headaches too.

Further studies were also done, and it was showed that mild dehydration, which is as a result of weight loss exercise or heat could also cause harm to your body, especially the brain. Dehydrated people can experience a dip in their physical performance, which can be affected negatively as they begin to experience reduced endurance. It is possible to lose two pounds of weight as you start sweating as mild dehydration can have adverse effects on your body.

Weight Loss by Drinking Lots of Water

Another factor to be considered is the possibility of losing weight by drinking a lot of water. There are claims that drinking much water can help decline weight gain via decreasing your appetite and building up your metabolism. So you can work on your metabolism as you boost it temporarily to a higher level by consuming at least an additional 500 ml of water daily.

Researchers have projected that the possibility of you consuming 2 liters of water in a day can increase the amount of energy that you spend to a range of 96 calories daily. It shows that the more water you drink, the more calories you burn. It could be beneficial for the body if you can also take mildly cold water because the body needs to burn more calories to get the temperature of the water up to the required temperature.

Subsequently, another study shows that a population of people on a diet who consumed 500 ml of water before taking any meal were able to lose 44% of weight over 3 months in contrast to those that did not. This means that when you drink sufficient amount of water mainly before food, it could help reduce the amount of calories you end up consuming, especially at old age. This means that this process is highly beneficial to losing weight, especially when a healthy diet is added.

You should know that taking a sufficient amount of water also comes with other health benefits. As stated earlier, the body has a sophisticated system for regulating how much water you drink and when you should drink water. This is why maintaining water balance in the body is very crucial for your survival.


Replenishing Water Loss from our Body

Water can also be lost through breathing, perspiration, and as much as the body may make up for the loss, it’s more appropriate that you are the one to replace the lost water. For example, sweating, which is as a result of hot weather, long, intense exercises as all this would require you to replenish the electrolytes that leave with the sweat. There is also an increased need for water consumption when a woman is breastfeeding as she needs to replace the fluid that comes out from her breast. Individuals in their old age are to take caution with regards to their water consumption because their thirst mechanism could begin to malfunction. However, healthy and vibrant people don’t need to be conscious of their water consumption because there is a very efficient thirst center in the brain, which will alert you if there’s a need to drink water.

Preventing Several Health Issues

There is a perspective on the consumption of more water with regards to preventing health problems. People believe that when you take more water, different health problems begin to respond positively and progressively to your increased consumption of water. Constipation, for example, is a condition that is commonly experienced by people. When you increase the amount of water you consume daily, it could help you with constipation. It could also help with people suffering from colorectal and bladder cancer as it is shown that people that drink more water are at low risk of developing cancer.

When you consume so much water, it could reduce your risk of having kidney stones. Lots of anecdotal reports have shown how water can aid in decreasing acne by hydrating the skin. So, it is important to know that when you drink more water, it aids in relieving some health challenges like kidney stones, acne, and constipation.

Since we have been able to discuss some of the contributing factors that determine the ultimate consumption of water for an individual, we begin to ask ourselves this question? Can the liquids you consume sum up towards the total amount of water your body needs? So, when you try to balance the fluid in your body, we can consider other drinks that are not water ordinarily.

People believe that caffeinated drinks like coffee are diuretics and cannot help you hydrate the body, but studies show otherwise, as the beverage was shown to possess a weak diuretic effect. There are lots of food that contains water such as fish egg, milk, vegetables, and fruits. This kinds of food can help you provide a sufficient amount of water to hydrate the body as beverages also helps contribute to fluid balance.

Therefore, if you fall into the category of individuals that are looking for the right advice on how much water you really need to drink in a day, you need to look within. According to the National Academies of Sciences, the vast majority of individuals allow their thirst to guide them in their bid to meet their daily hydration needs. The body would begin to feel thirsty and crave for water naturally when the hydration level of the body begin to drop as water is the best treatment for such a situation. You should also note that when your urine becomes dark yellow or orange, it is a sign that you have not been drinking enough water. On the other hand, when your body is well hydrated, your urine displays a normal amber color or almost a colorless fluid.


So, you should drink enough water when you feel thirsty, and you also need to drink more if you sweat more. This is the reality about drinking water daily as factors that contribute to how much water you drink daily depends on the various individuals and their mechanism. This means that nobody can actually say how much you exactly need to consume daily, but all you need to do is try some experiments in order to see what works for you.

However, if you are in search of specifics, the Food and Nutrition Board, outlined the daily requirements for different ages as follows:

Water is life and vital to our sustenance. Drink water daily even in the cold weather, even if you are drinking other things besides water. Legend has it that the best ale is water, so treat yourself to a glass of water every now and then.