

Natural Methadone Nausea Treatments

What is methadone?

Methadone is an opioid. It’s used for the treatment of pain and also for the management of people who are addicted to opioids. Methadone has been listed on the World Health Organization’s Essential Medicines. This drug is important in the treatment of individuals who are dependent on opioid drugs, such as heroin. Methadone is an opioid drug and has all the properties of one, however, it’s not illegal, and can be taken based on a doctor’s prescription. The following are the differences between being on methadone and other illegal opioids like heroin;

  1. Methadone is safer to take, especially when taken on the advice and prescription of a doctor, unlike illegal opioids whose content and purity cannot be ascertained.
  2. Methadone can only be taken through the mouth, unlike other opioids such as heroin that has to be injected. The process of injection is usually painful, although the person gets used to it, the integrity of the vessels is consistently being tampered with.
  3. There are no health risks associated with the means of using methadone, but heroin has to be introduced to the body through needles. Patients might be exposed to diseases such as hepatitis, HIV, and bacterial infections.
  4. Opioid addicts, such as heroin are usually unproductive after taking the drug, but an individual on methadone can function very well, and be productive.
  5. In addition, people dependent on illegal opioids such as heroin, tend to do all sorts of things, just to get the drugs. There have been cases of individuals that sold their belongings, steal just to get a supply of this illegal drugs. On the other hand, patients that are placed on methadone do not need to do this, they can easily get a prescription and go get the drug from the pharmacy.

Methadone has saved a lot of people from illegal opioid dependence.

Uses Of Methadone

  1. Methadone Maintenance Therapy

The methadone maintenance therapy is given to people who have the desire to stop using illegal opioids but have been struggling and failing. The period of use of methadone is usually between some months, and can also be lifelong. The duration of use depends on how well the patient is responding to treatment. The purpose of the methadone maintenance therapy is to help illegal opioid addicts decrease their cravings for the drug. Another objective of the methadone maintenance therapy is to help addict lessen the withdrawal symptoms. Also, the maintenance therapy helps to prevent diseases associated with injecting drugs, such as streptococcal infection, viral diseases and so on. Methadone is also useful for pregnant women, who are seeking help with the addiction. Lastly, methadone therapy reduces the “good feeling” effect that comes with illegal opioids such as heroin. Overall, all these would work, if the patient follows the instructions of his doctor, and does not overuse the drug. Methadone has been proven to be safe for use, and would not affect the daily activities of its users.

  1. Used As An Analgesic

Methadone is useful for the treatment of long-term pain. It’s a good pain reliever, especially when used in the management of chronic diseases. It’d also be used for the treatment of neuropathic pain. People suffering from long-term pain usually need to change opioid medications, to prevent tolerance. This is usually between in periods of weeks to months. Patients often become tolerant to opioid medications and might need to use higher doses, for it to function. However, this can be avoided by doing what is known as opioid rotation. In opioid rotation, a new opioid drug is introduced after a patient has used a particular drug for some time. This new drug is also changed after a few weeks, or months. The purpose of doing opioid rotation is to reduce the risks and side effects that might be associated with the high doses and overuse of a particular opioid medication. Opioid rotation is done for people who have a history of opioid tolerance, or shown signs of it. Even though opioid drugs are changed periodically in the management of chronic pain, one cannot change to a non-functional drug, because of the cross-tolerance effect, that is transferred to the new medication. Methadone has a lesser cross-tolerance when compared to others.

Side Effects Of Methadone

Just like every other opioid drug, methadone has some side effects. There have been reports of deaths and serious complications after some patients used methadone. It has also been observed that methadone causes difficulty in breathing and the dysfunction of the heart activities. Patients are advised to follow the prescription given to them by their doctor, and quickly report any case of unpleasant reactions. Some of the adverse effects of methadone are

  1. Fatigue and tiredness
  2. Menstrual problems
  3. Increase in weight
  4. Abdominal problems
  5. Increased perspiration
  6. Increased heartbeat
  7. Dry mouth
  8. Problems with urination
  9. The limbs get swollen
  10. Restlessness
  11. It affects the mood
  12. Reduced sexual drive
  13. Involuntary contractions
  14. It can also lead to memory loss
  15. Nausea

Nausea is a side effect, that isn’t peculiar to just methadone, but it’s common to all opioid drugs. You do not need to consume more drugs to treat this condition. There are some good natural alternatives to eliminating methadone-induced nausea.

Natural Ways To Treat Methadone-Induced Nausea

  1. Eating nutritious food: Consuming food substances that are rich in minerals that are usually lacking due to opioid addiction is key. Patients having withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid addiction are usually deficient in minerals such as calcium, potassium, and Example of food that contains these minerals in abundance is broccoli. In any case, patients can also use mineral supplements. Treating patients with a good nutritious diet and avoiding the illegal opioid increasing the chances of conquering opioid addiction.
  2. Drinking a lot of water: Opioid addicts usually experience diarrhea, leading to dehydration if not controlled. Patients must drink water and consume more electrolytes, to replenish the body fluid and minerals they’ve lost.
  3. Anti-inflammatory food materials: There are some food materials like fish oil, that helps opioid addicts in overcoming withdrawal symptoms such as muscle pain and contractions.
  4. Cannabis: Cannabis is important and effective in the treatment of withdrawal symptoms such as panic, pain, and The most effective form is the Indian hemp oil.






Krakowski, M. and Smart, R. (1974). Social and Psychological Characteristics of Heroin Addicts Dropping out of Methadone Treatment. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 19(1), pp.41-47.

Methadone Matters: Evolving Community Methadone Treatment of Opiate Addiction. (2004). Addiction, 99(4), pp.519-520.

Methadone. (2009). Reactions Weekly, &NA;(1259), p.22.

Williams, W. and Lee, J. (1975). Methadone Maintenance: A Comparison of Methadone Treatment Subjects and Methadone Treatment Dropouts. International Journal of the Addictions, 10(4), pp.599-608.

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