How to Know Your Body Fat Percentage Lose Weight Build Muscle and Live Healthily

how to build muscle

Our stature and body shape, especially our waistline, is a reflection of our body fat percentage. The higher the body fat percentage, the wider the waistline. People often go through different diet programs and training regimens tailored to specific body types(ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph) and body fat percentages.

However, one of the most frequently asked questions, is how do I know and determine my body fat percentage? A common goal for anyone who steps foot in the gym is to LOSE BODY FAT FOR GOOD. Body fat is the fat that we can see in the mirror. The less body fat we have, the more “cuts” you will be able to see. The higher your body fat levels, the more fat that is covering our muscles. To see cuts you need to shrink the layer of fat that is directly under the skin, and that covers our muscles.