Breast Cancer Treatment Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2 and Stage 3

What is Breast Cancer?

It is one of the top five leading types of cancer in women. Breast cancer occurs when the cells of the breast begin to grow abnormally (grows out of control). It occurs hundred times more in women than in men. It is one of the cancer causes of death in women. It occurs more in women who are greater than 55 years of age, women who have family history of breast cancer, women with BRCA1 and BRCA 2 gene mutation (BRCA means breast cancer gene), women with dense breast tissue, women that have had radiation before to their chest because of another type of cancer. Caucasians are more prone to breast cancer development than African American race. Breast cancer treatment varies depending on the stage. There are five stages of breast cancer. They are stages 0 through 5. Each stage also has its own likely outcome.