Pinhole Gum Surgery Technique for Gum Recession Treatment

Receding gums also referred to as a gingival recession. As the name implies, gum recession is basically the process in which the gums pull back from the teeth. The roots of the teeth become exposed due to the retraction and loss of the gum. It’s most predominant in adults, especially people over the age of forty. Healthy gums usually appear pink, with a gum line that fits right with the teeth. However, in gum recession, the gums look swollen, and the gum line looks like they are below some teeth as compared to others. This condition leaves the teeth exposed and increases its risk of getting decayed, infections, injuries when eating, damage to the teeth root, the total loss of some teeth and so on. Gum recession is a gradual process, and usually takes years to develop. The pinhole gum surgery is one of the ways of correcting this disorder. The pinhole gum surgery is a quick and efficient way of treating gum recession.

Pinhole Gum Surgery Cost

It could be dreadful realizing that your receding teeth have to be removed and replaced with dentures. Dental procedures can cause a lot of discomforts and also expensive. However, the pinhole surgery eliminates some of the concerns. It’s less painful when compared to other types of procedure. The pinhole gum surgery is a relatively new procedure of treating gum recession, it was approved for use in the United Kingdom and the United States just about 24 months ago. It could cost up to 1400dollars.

What Are the Causes of Gum Recession?

This condition can be caused by a lot of factors. Some of these factors are;

  1. The most serious and common cause of gum recession is periodontal disease
  2. Excessive application of force on the teeth and gum when brushing: According to studies, it has been noticed that those who brush their teeth aggressively are prone to having gum recession. In addition, it has been observed that brushing the teeth through the horizontal brushing method increases the risk of having this teeth disorder. It has also been observed that those who use moderately hard and hard toothbrushes are more prone to having receded gums.
  3. Deficiency of Vitamins: Vitamin C is an important vitamin for collagen synthesis in the body. The deficiency of this vitamin leads to the inflammation of the gums, anemia and so on.
  4. Tooth defect: There are some too defects that predispose people to have receded gums. Some of these defects are irregular teeth arrangement in the mouth, crowding of the teeth. Teeth crowding is a condition in which there is not enough space for the teeth to fit in within the jaw.
  5. Genetics: Some people naturally have weak gums and gum tissues. In most cases, the inherit this characteristic from their parents or grandparents. Naturally weak gums and gum tissues increase the chances of having gum recession.
  6. Trauma to the teeth: There are some activities that people do, that inflicts injury on the teeth and can lead to the retraction of the gum. Some of these activities include chewing hard substances such as woods, or using the teeth to as a cork opener, especially when opening a bottle of drink.
  7. Old age: People above forty years old have high chances of having gum recession. In fact, studies have indicated that people over the age of sixty-five have recorded a loss of their tooth, due to gum recession.
  8. Others: Lately, putting rings on the tongue and in the gums is fast becoming a fashion trend. However, these rings do wear away the gum and gum tissues. They can cause gum recession if used for a long period of time. Also, grinding the teeth against each other, especially when sleeping can cause gum recession. Long-term smoking is also another factor that can cause this disorder.

 Symptoms of Gum Recession

Gum recession is a slow and progressive disorder, that takes years to develop. Even though there are signs, most people ignore them and just get used to it.

  1. Bad breath: Also known as halitosis, is one of the symptoms to notice. The mouth often smells, even shortly after brushing and cleaning the mouth.
  2. The teeth become over sensitive: Patients with gum recession, either in the early or progressive stages often complain of pain in the teeth, especially after consuming cold, hot or even food that has extreme flavors. This is because the layer covering the root is no longer protected by the gums. As earlier said, gum recession exposes the tooth to decay, food and infections.
  3. Teeth overcrowding: Teeth crowding is a condition in which there is not enough space for the teeth to fit in within the jaw.
  4. Gingivitis: Gingivitis is a condition in which the gums are inflamed. The gum appears red and swollen.
  5. Abnormal color of the teeth: The abnormal color of the teeth is due to the disparity between the cementum and the enamel.
  6. The teeth look longer than usual: Teeth appear to look longer because more parts of the crown are seen, due to the retraction of the gums.

Natural Treatment for Gum Recession

Gum recession can cause a lot of discomforts. However, are some natural treatments you can easily indulge in.

  1. Tea: According to a study was done in Japan, it was observed that people that drink a lot of green tea, have fewer chances of having gum recession. It was shown that the green tea reduces the loss of gum tissues, and also reduced bleeding. However, the participants of this study have had this daily habit of drinking green tea for a long time
  2. Aloe Vera: This plant has some ingredients that can heal the gums and tissues
  3. Vitamins: Vitamin C helps enhances collagen synthesis. They protect the gums from inflammation and strengthen the gums.

Pinhole Surgical Success Rate

This surgical procedure has been highly successful. It leaves patient with little to no pain after the surgery, and the cost it’s affordable relative to other procedures.

Pinhole Surgical Technique Complications

There are risks associated with most surgical procedures, but the pinhole surgical technique is a safe procedure. It’s less invasive and has no risk. Any complication that might occur may include swelling, infections, however, people who go through this surgery, might not even notice them.


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