The Benefits of Listening to Music on the Brain

The Benefits of Listening to Music on the Brain

Listening to music consistently come with a lot of benefits, apart from getting you in the dancing mood, and making our celebration worthwhile. It could be used for the various therapeutic purpose for various types of diseases. It has been discovered that music can...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia

Find a Psychiatrist Near Me Cognitive Behavioral therapy has been around for quite a long time, and it has been used to help people dealing with several medical disorders ranging from mental disorders to addictions. The therapeutic approach has been tested over time...

The Concussed Brain

What is a Concussion? According to the Webster 20th Century dictionary (1938) a concussion is defined as the act of violently shaking or agitating by the stroke or impulse of another body.  This derives from the Latin n. concussio, a violent shock, vt coculere to...

The Inattentive Brain/ADD/ADHD Disorder

What is ADD/ADHD Disorder? Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are characterized by difficulty with attentional flexibility, particularly changing easily from one task to the next, and by impulsivity. Some patients with...


****************************************Page 1**************************************** Stem cells and stem cell interventions Figure l . Stem cells and regenerative medicine Pluripotent ” 1/ “ewe stem cells \ e cells (e.g., embryonic Sfem Cells) / intestinal...