How To Spot A Heart Attack

Looking for a great cardiologist to make you feel better? Click on the link below to find the best cardiologists near you. Find a Cardiologist Near Me A heart attack occurs when there’s a blood clot inside a blood vessel of the heart, this blocks blood flow to the heart and typically results in the […]
How to Create Cardiovascular Health

More and more the word is getting out. There is a common cause to all degenerative disease. Suppressing symptoms is not the same as addressing the underlying cause of the symptoms. After all, you don’t have a headache because you have an aspirin deficiency. How to Create Cardiovascular Health The first leading cause of death […]
Clues you may have a Heart Disease

Looking for a great Cardiologist to help you feel better? Click on the link below to find the best Cardiologist near you! Find a Cardiologist Near Me The heart is a very important and delicate organ in the body, and it works every second from the second month of pregnancy until one’s last breath. Its […]
Cut Your Risk of Heart Diseases without Pill

Heart disease happens to be the number one killer disease for both men and women in the United States of America. The heart is affected when there is a narrowing of the arteries that supply the heart with blood, nutrients, and oxygen. This happens to lots of people as it comes with different symptoms and […]
Warning Signs of Heart Disease

Heart diseases can affect anyone, which is why their knowledge is crucial. It affects people through all stages of life. Infants may have congenital heart diseases, and adults could suffer a heart attack as well. Several pregnant have died due to heart conditions. World Health Organization has revealed up to 4% of pregnant women are […]
Do You Need a High Dose Statin for Heart Health?

Studies have shown that statins are effective in decreasing heart attacks and prolonging life. People who take statins after and even before a coronary event demonstrated reduced mortality and morbidity. Do you need a high does statin for heart health? Cardiologist Near Me Statin is highly recommended for all patients with an established coronary heart […]
10 Ways Walking Can Benefit Your Health

Walking is one of the easiest and simplest exercise one can partake in. Although, a lot of people might not really think much of walking, however, it’s a good way of keeping fit and healthy, especially when done consistently. Humans walk everywhere, to the bedroom, to the fridge, to their car, in their office and […]
Sudden Cardiac Arrest and What You Should Know about it

Find a Cardiologist Near Me What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest? Sudden cardiac arrest is a medical emergency. It is triggered by an electrical malfunction in the heart that causes an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). With its pumping action disrupted, the heart cannot pump blood to the brain, lungs and other organs. Seconds later, a […]
Clues to Cardiac Disease
Find a Cardiologist Near Me Introduction One high-risk population group is patients with cardiac disease. The many implications of this are reviewed. Disclaimers This is for general health education purposes only. Discussion Patients with cardiac disease must be treated differently on a day-to-day basis. Maintenance for them is entirely different from maintenance for the average […]
Exercise is Good for the Heart
Find a Chiropractor Near Me The human body is a system of smaller organs that are almost constantly carrying out various activities for the proper functioning and sustenance of the whole system. Organs like the heart have to keep working mandatorily throughout one’s lifetime; pumping blood into the entire system thereby delivering oxygen, nutrients, […]
What is Atherosclerosis?
Talking about atherosclerosis brings to mind the character of Dr. House in the TV series of the same name, “House”. He gave the ideology of atherosclerosis in a very imaginative way. Based on that, atherosclerosis is the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels specifically the arteries that carry oxygenated blood to the body. In addition, the cholesterol deposits become hardened, and they are called plaques. It gets interesting now; if the deposition of the cholesterol is in the cerebral blood vessels, then the individual gets a stroke. If the buildup is in the coronary blood vessels that perfuse the cardiac muscles, then the person has a heart attack. Furthermore, the same scenario occurs in the leg that is referred to as a peripheral vascular disease.
Can Stress Cause an Irregular Heartbeat?
Find a Cardiologist Near Me Irregular heartbeat also is known as arrhythmia, dysrhythmia or palpitation occurs when the heart rate is not regular. The heart beats at a normal range between 60 -100 beats per minute. When the heartbeat falls below 60 beats per minute, it is known as bradyarrhythmia. If it exceeds 100bpm, it […]
How Can I Prevent Atherosclerosis?
Find a Cardiologist Near Me Atherosclerosis is simply the build-up of fatty material inside your blood vessels. The inner walls of healthy arteries are smooth and clean. This makes it easy to transport the blood your body needs to all the different parts of the body. When fatty material builds up within the arteries, they […]
Adding Almonds Helps Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke
Find a Cardiologist Near Me Blood pressure is an extremely important factor in the body when it suddenly changes it is good for the body. Also, if it goes higher or lower than the normal range that can be dangerous and devastating to the body. The major organs in the body require a constant and […]
How to Keep Your Heart Healthy with Lower Blood Pressure Numbers What Causes High Blood Pressure
Find a Cardiologist Near Me What Causes High Blood Pressure? The cause of high blood pressure can be broadly classified into two categories: Primary hypertension or essential high blood pressure Secondary hypertension Primary Hypertension: In this type of hypertension, there is no known cause of high blood pressure. It is the leading cause of […]
Is Extreme Running Bad for Your Heart?
Extreme running is bad for many things. It destroys your skin, muscles, bones, joints, brain, viscera, and solid organs. And, in that it is risky, it dodges the main principle of all healthcare which is to minimize risk.
There is in fact a cool pneumonic (you knew that was coming) that helps you remember the 3 things that extreme running and marathon races in general produce for you in terms of bad health.
“C’s” of marathon races and extreme running: Cecal volvulus, Compartment syndrome (incl. felons), Cerebral edema.
Is Extreme Running Bad for Your Heart?
Find A Cardiologist Near Me Like most things in life, you should by now be able to anticipate that a good physician would recommend that the extreme version of anything is incorrect. What do I think about extreme running? Disclaimers As usual, this site will provide for you my sincerest, but humblest opinions. Only. Can […]
Regular Time in a Sauna Greatly Reduces Stroke and Heart Disease
Types of Saunas that are good for Heart Health Sauna is well known all over the world, and it is usually a building or a small room created as a place to experience dry and wet sessions. The bathers perspire due to steam and high heat and steam. The temperature may be up to […]
Valve Heart Disease
Find A Cardiologist Near Me How to Prevent Heart Disease The Internet is buzzing with heart disease, how to prevent it. That is a 15 hour discussion even if done superficially. The best way to start learning about the heart is to learn about the heart, heart disease. The best place to start learning […]
Heart Health: Valve Disease Acute
Find A Cardiologist Near Me Congestive Heart Failure If you caught my first heart health topic, heart health, acute valve disease, then you’ll know I touched on acute diseases of the heart valves. Well, the heart valves can also have chronic end stage disease. And that is, for the most part, congestive heart failure. […]
How do you know if a Heart Attack is coming?
The heart is a very vital organ that supplies the body with optimal blood needed for day to day activities. The heart consists of 2 atrium and 2 ventricles. Blood flow from the pulmonary veins into the right atrium and then the right ventricle. The blood moves into the pulmonary circulation and empties into the […]
10 Natural Ways to Cut your Heart Disease Risk
Did you know that cardiovascular disease (otherwise known as heart disease) is the number one cause of death in the United States? Surprisingly this is true because about 50 million people and more suffer from hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, which is a high risk for heart disease. Following are 10 natural ways to […]
Heart Transplants in Children
A heart transplant in the infant child is a solution to quite an unfortunate turn of events. Usually, subjecting a child to such a stressful procedure is avoided, but to save lives, the desperate measure calls for desperate times. Congenital cardiomyopathy is found to occur at least once in about every 10,000 live births, and […]
How Long Do Heart Transplants Last?
A study carried out in the US in 2004 discovered that majority of the pediatric patients that go through heart transplant enjoyed proper adulthood and lived a good life. Pediatric heart transplantation is a beneficial intervention as it helps patients to live long active years after the surgery. Sometimes the heart transplantation can take up […]
Heart Rate Variability

Variation may be viewed as a fundamental feature of nature and especially so of living organisms. Some features of variation are easily appreciated, for example in the individual diversity of human characteristics or in the change of the seasons. All aspects of human physiology are underpinned by interlocking cycles each with intrinsic frequencies from the beating of our heart, the subject of this monograph, to the timing of daily sleep. With respect to the latter, the human wake/sleep cycle, also known as the circadian cycle, is nearly 24 hours in length and, because it is determined genetically, is quite stable over one’s lifetime. Its activity is kept stable relative to the solar day primarily by exposure of sunlight on the retinae. The timing of many biorhythms such as hormonal secretion, body temperature, gastrointestinal activity, blood pressure, blood sugar metabolism, urine production, mental alertness and EEG activity are related in some way to the circadian cycle. Also connected directly to the circadian cycle are heart and respiratory rates. Our heart beat normally varies, within a narrow range, beat to beat. This variability is driven by the brain through the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and can be shaped by our breathing patterns. Unlike many other physiological activities, control of breathing is something that most people can learn to do. Doing so is a simple and cost-free way of improving health.