Worst Belly Fattening Food Men Can’t Resist

It is very important to keep track of your diet and avoid foods that would add up to your weight and place you at serious risk of developing different health conditions when you are a lot older. When you are a lot younger, it is possible to consume a whole pack of pizza and multiple […]
12 Surprising Use of Salts

In the kitchen environment, salts happen to be one of the most used ingredients. This is simply because, since the inception of this existing world, human beings have primarily consumed salts in food substances and used it to prepare several dishes. Salt is one of the most important minerals consumed by human beings, and if […]
Real Benefits and Risks of Essential Oils

Essential oils come with various levels of concentration that are made from different types of plants. This essential oil is made up of many active chemicals that gives the oils different strong fragrance. When it comes to making soaps, massage oils, tea tree oils, perfumes, bath oils and salts, the essential oils make up the […]
Why Are Your Joints So Stiff?

Joint stiffness is a sensation of difficulty of moving a joint or the loss of range of motion of a joint. This condition usually doesn’t occur alone, but it’s accompanied by joint pain and also swelling of the joints. Joint stiffness exists in different severities, depending on the cause. Some of the common symptom persons […]
Lifetime Teeth Whitening with Vanity Dental Implants or Veneers
Whiter teeth have been a status symbol for decades. In today’s society, it’s practically impossible to even get a job without decent teeth and depending on what position it is the whiter the better… Because in today’s society looks are everything and a glistening smile is definitely a calling card to success. Like it or […]
10 Common Exercise Injuries and How To Prevent Them

It’s not uncommon to develop injuries when exercising. It’s almost a rite of passage for some people. For this set of people, you become a true athlete after your first injury. While this might not be true, injuries shouldn’t strike fear into the mind of any athlete. It is usually disappointing, sustaining an injury when […]
All About Concierge Medicine

Looking for a concierge doctor near you? Let us help! Click here to find the best concierge doctor in your area. Concierge medicine, also known as retainer medicine is a relationship between a patient and a primary care physician in which the patient pays a certain amount for a specific period of time for unrestricted […]
Why Your Stomach Hurts

Looking for a Gastroenterologist near you? Let us help! Click here to connect with a Gastroenterologist in your area. A gastroenterologist usually diagnose most complaints that come as a result of a painful feeling in the region of the stomach as abdominal pain. It is a norm that in one particular time or the other, […]
How to Keep Your Kidney Healthy

When it comes to good health, we must consider the importance of the kidney and the role it plays in the process of keeping the body healthy. The kidney is the lifeline of the body to good health. This is very true to the fact that the kidney helps the body filter out wastes from […]
High Tech Sunglasses and Goggles are the future of biotech from ADS Sports Eyewear
Technology is advancing at a rapid rate and that is true for sunglasses and goggles. No longer are prescription sports sunglasses just for shading your eyes from the glaring sun; today, prescription sports sunglasses can protect your eyes from injury while you participate in your favorite sporting activity – from full contact sports to golf, […]
Liquid Crystal Sunglasses by ADS Sports Eyewear

The future is bright for the high-end sunglass business and ADS Sports Eyewear is committed to innovation without compromise in quality or service. As we are known for offering the top brands of today like Oakley we fully realize that new technology by brands you have never heard of may soon disrupt the industry with […]
10 Reasons to Visit a Hematologist

You are wondering when should I see the best hematologist near me. If you are familiar with some medical terms, you may know that “haem” refers to blood. Connect With A Hematologist Near You Full Name Email Phone Number Postal Code Submit A hematologist is a physician who is trained and specializes in the diagnosis, treatment […]
How Taking Vacation Time Impacts Your Health
Vacation means taking a leave of absence from a job or an occupation. Vacation involves going on a trip or a journey for the sole purpose of recreation, relaxation or tourism. Some people like to take their vacation during holidays, or for the purpose of attending a festival or celebrations. A vacation might be as […]
Common Signs And Symptoms Of Anemia
Connect With A Hematologist Near You Full Name Email Phone Number Postal Code Submit Anemia is a condition in which there is a reduction in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. Anemia is a condition that occurs slowly. Some of the signs and symptoms of this disease include weakness, fatigue, […]
When Should I see the Best Hematologist Near Me?

You are wondering when should I see the best hematologist near me. If you are familiar with some medical terms, you may know that “haem” refers to blood. Connect With A Hematologist Near You Full Name Email Phone Number Postal Code Submit A hematologist is a person that specializes in studying blood. S/he studies blood components […]
What is Barrett’s Esophagus?
Connect With A Gastroenterologist Near You Full Name Email Phone Number Postal Code Submit In Barrett’s esophagus, normal oesophageal epithelial cells are replaced with the metaplastic columnar cell (similar to the stomach lining). It is believed to be due to damage from prolonged exposure of the esophagus to the reflux of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). […]
The Early Signs Of Scleroderma And The Role Of Exosomes In Their Treatment
Connect With A Dermatologist Near You Full Name Email Phone Number Postal Code Submit Scleroderma is a chronic condition that affects the skin. This medical condition is a group of various uncommon diseases, that is characterized by the hardening and tightening of the connective tissues of the body, and also the skin. This disease sometimes […]
Before Taking Blood Thinners, Read This

A lot of people do take blood thinners to prevent the development and formation of clots in their blood, and conditions such as stroke, thromboembolism, atrial fibrillation, and other heart rhythm disorders. However, despite the importance and effectiveness of blood thinners in preventing the above diseases, they can carry serious risk and life-threatening side effects […]
Rhinoplasty – Your Guide to Nose Job Surgery

Rhinoplasty, also known as a “nose job” or nose reshaping procedure is used to adjust the size of the nose in proportion to the face. According to the Plastic Surgery Statistics Report compiled by the America Society of Plastic Surgeons, rhinoplasty is the third most performed cosmetic surgery in the year 2017. Connect With A […]
How Chiropractic Care Can Change Your Health

What is a Chiropractor? Chiropractors are health care professionals trained and focused on diagnosis, chiropractic care and prevention of disorders of the spine as well as other parts of the musculoskeletal system, and the associated effects on the neurological system. Chiropractors are best known for safely and effectively treating neuromuscular complaints, including acute back and […]
The Signs Of Bladder Cancer And Treatment
Bladder cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers globally. It is a condition in which cancer develops from the tissues of the bladder. The bladder is an organ that stores urine, from the kidney, that is set to be passed out from the body. The cancerous cells in the bladder have the ability to […]
The Warning Signs Of Polycythaemia Vera And Treatment
This is a type of blood cancer that occurs in the bone marrow, where new blood cells are produced. It’s a rare neoplasm of the bone marrow, and mainly affects the production of erythrocytes, also known as red blood cells. This condition can also affect the production of other cells in the blood, such as […]
Signs and Symptoms of Hydrocephalus and Treatment
[button link=”https://www.istemcell.com/getmatched” type=”big” color=”purple” newwindow=”yes”] Schedule Free Consultation[/button] This is a condition in which happens when there is a buildup of fluid in the skull. This condition leads to the swelling of the brain. The accumulation of fluid in the skull also leads to an increase in the size of the ventricles, which further puts […]
The Signs And Symptoms Of Sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis is a disease that involves the growth of inflammatory cells which forms a granuloma. This disease mostly affects organs of the body such as the skin, eyes, lymph nodes and so on. Patients affected by this disease presents with various signs and symptoms. The manifestations of this disease depend on the organ affected. Some […]