10 Ways of Keeping Your Mind Young and Sharp

All living things age, it’s inevitable, as people age it tends to come with cognitive decline, and this has led many to believe the cognitive decline is as inevitable as aging itself. Everybody wants to live till very old ages, and they just don’t want to do so living with Alzheimer’s or dementia, which are […]

What is Mindfulness and How Does it Relieve Stress?

Mindfulness: a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique. Let’s discuss what is mindfulness and how does it relieve stress.  In your every day life you have stress coming at you every which way. There […]

Stress Management Top 6 Best Habits to Reduce Stress

stress management top 6 , monavie active

BUY MONAVIE ACTIVE Stress has become the go to state in this crazy hectic world. This stress management top 5 is meant to help us eliminate the word stress from our vocabularies and it’s effects from our lifestyle. Life is to be enjoyed and fully lived. We don’t need to waste it on stressing out about deadlines, relationships, health, […]

20 Ways To Lower Your Stress For Healthy Living

Contrary to popular opinion, stress isn’t particularly a negative thing. It’s the body’s way of responding to an imminent danger. The body usually releases some biological chemicals when stressed. Examples of these are adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline is also referred to as the “fight or flight hormone”, while the cortisol is typically released when the […]

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction can Eliminate Stress While Increasing Happiness

mindfulness based stress reduction

As a family physician I continually talk to patients about how to eliminate stress for healthy living. To help patients achieve this goal I have put together a workshop that is called Rock Solid. It teaches some simple steps that we can all take to decrease stress in our everyday lives. While developing this workshop I did a huge amount of research on what makes people happy. It is the conclusions from that happiness research I would like to share with you all today. I found it fascinating.

10 Simple Steps to Find Stress Relief Every Day

When you start to notice that you’re having increased stress, to take these 10 simple steps to find stress relief every day, to help prevent developing or worsening stress related disorders. Learn how to lower stress to improve your overall health and happiness in this talk by Dr. Victoria Smithers MD.

How to Eliminate Stress for Healthy Living

As a family physician I continually talk to patients about how to eliminate stress for healthy living. I have always known that finding happiness and balance in our life would bring better health. If not kept in check, stress can rob us of our health and happiness. Here are some simple steps you can take to eliminate the effects of stress in your life.