How to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

Looking for a great Gastroenterologist to help you feel better? Click on the link below to find the best Gastroenterologist near you! Find a Gastroenterologist Near Me If there’s anything that defines the state of fitness or lack of it in a body, it has to be belly fat. It’s the exact opposite of six-packs […]

How to Eliminate Love Handles

When you hear the word, love handles what comes to mind? It might interest you to know that despite the fact that the name sounds beautiful, love handles is nothing beautiful in its real sense. Love handle is the deposit of excess fat at the side of the waist of the individual. Excess fat is […]

Foods that Increase Belly Fat

Belly fat as the name implies is the accumulation of fat in the belly. Unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, excessive consumption of alcohol, and lack of exercise are the common cause. Accumulation of fat anywhere in the body is dangerous to health, belly fat is the leading cause of several heart diseases and could lead to […]

Surprising reasons you are gaining weight

Everyone knows overeating is a very easy way to add weight. We all tend to agree that inadequate physical activity/ exercise can bring weight gain. If you are eating healthy and exercising regularly, then you could be confused about why you added a few extra pounds. Here is a list of potential causes of weight […]

10 Most Fattening Summer Food

You have probably worked out all winter and set to flaunt your summer body with a nicely carved god-like physique. However, now that you’ve achieved your goal fully or partially, you’ve let yourself lose, free as a bird. You no longer do as much workout as you did in the winter because of the numerous […]

Non-Surgical Treatment of Gynaecomastia

Men that are struggling with Gynaecomastia find it difficult pulling off their shirts in the public place like the gym or the beach. This is as a result of the fact that they have an enlarged breast which would affect their self-esteem. You wonder what an enlarged breast can do to the psychology of a […]

Electromagnetic Body Sculpting Pros and Cons

Electromagnetic Body Sculpting Pros and Cons

What is Electromagnetic Body Sculpting? Electromagnetic body sculpting is the latest modality for transferring energy into the subcutaneous fat to burn fat for the purpose of aesthetic body contouring. Pros and cons reviewed here. Disclaimers Humble opinion for the purposes of learning here. The big disclaimer would be to discourage anyone from generating a body […]

Cellulite Nonsurgical Treatment Options

cellulite non surgical treatment options

Cellulite Introduction What affects 95% of all women (over puberty) and 10% of all men? Cellulite.   Cellulite Nonsurgical treatment options today reviewed   Disclaimer Nonsurgical yes. But at the same time, not you – should be guiding his care. Do not try to simulate any of this care with any Brookstone gadgets from your […]

How to Use Cardio to Burn Fat Safely from a Doctor’s Point of View

Find a Personal Trainer Near Me Cardio vs Weights for Weight Loss   Cardio and weightlifting are the two most popular type of exercise. Many people who are about to begin their weight loss journey are stuck between which of the two is better at losing weight. Cardio is anything that raises your heart rate […]

Can 30 grams of Protein at Breakfast Help with Weight Loss

Find a Personal Trainer Near Me   There is a consensus that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But if your end goal is to lose weight, not all breakfast is designed for you to achieve your result. Protein forms part of the big three macro-nutrients (protein, fat, and carbohydrate) that our […]

Should You Try Intermittent Fasting For Better Health And Weight Loss?

Find a Personal Trainer What is Intermittent Fasting?   Intermittent fasting is a kind of eating pattern in which an individual switches between fasting and eating periods intermittently. For example, you can decide to not take breakfast and lunch for a day or two in a week, while you eat well on the other days. […]

10 Reasons You Are Always Hungry

In fiction, vampires hunger for blood and search for it voraciously to ensure their survival. Animals store food for winter to survive. Human beings continuously need to eat to live, and our brains realize we need to eat by making us feel hunger. But, what happens when that is all one feels. Let us explore […]

Can You Spot Reduce Fat?

This is the most debatable question in the fitness and model industry; some people have excess body weight. However, there is some section of the population that is not interested in building muscle or losing weight. They just want to eliminate the embarrassing big tummy or love handles. This is often common in women because […]

Weight Loss Laxatives and Your Health

According to scientific research, close to 35 % of the world population is obese or overweight. This is worsened by the hectic work schedule in this generation that forces people to eat out rather than a home-made meal.  About 10.5 % of American women within the age range of 23-25 years have tried losing weight […]

Safe Alternatives to Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is a set of procedures carried out to influence weight loss in obese people. Most of the changes or modifications done to the body system are permanent. Although, the individual can live healthily based on specific adjustments prescribed by the physicians and the results observed in these operations are very good and successful […]

How to Lose Weight after Gallbladder Removal

Connect With A Gastroenterologist Near You Full Name Email Phone Number Postal Code Submit The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ located anatomically behind the liver. Its principal function is to store and increases the concentration of the bile, before releasing it into the small intestine. The bile is known for its numerous clinical significance, but […]

How to Lose Face Fat

The face is one of the most attractive parts of the body due to its anatomical position. Everyone dreams of having a chiseled jaw-line and model sculpted high cheekbone. This is the latest yardstick for an attractive model. Everybody, at a point or the other in our lives, has wondered, if there are any fast […]

What Are The Dangers Of The Keto Diet?

The Keto diet has become popular and still has a lot of popularity in many states of America and in many parts of the world. Proponents of this diet have been circulating a lot of information about how it can help you lose some certain amount of body weight in just a few days. Critics have […]

Is There an Alternative to Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss

I was trying to check how intelligent and well-read one of my friends was, so I quizzed him on bariatric surgery, and he knew next to nothing about it. I was shocked, but then it struck me that it has nothing to do with how vast one reads or one’s mental prowess. It is simply […]

How to Lose Weight after Pregnancy

Weight loss is a common concern for everyone irrespective of their age group or gender. The general rule for losing weight is to eat less than you burn, as simple as that sounds, it is one of the most challenging missions in the fitness and modeling world. Most people often say that they find it […]

Filtered Ginger and Lemon Water For Weight Loss

Weight loss in medical terms can be defined as a process by which an individual loses a portion of his/her weight. It can also be described as a decrease in the total body mass, as a result of the loss of a body fluid, adipose tissue, also known as fat. Weight loss can sometimes be […]

Is It Safe To Use Laxatives For Weight Loss Results?

Is It Safe To Use Laxatives For Weight Loss Results? The issue of safety of laxative-use for people who are looking to shed weight is a relative issue. Many believe the end justifies the means, as what matters is that you can look hot, fit into the expensive dress you bought or qualify for that […]

6 ways to Lose Weight Fast

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section” _builder_version=”4.16″ global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” _builder_version=”4.16″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.16″ custom_padding=”|||” global_colors_info=”{}” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”4.16″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” global_colors_info=”{}”]  6 ways to Lose Weight Fast Important update: If you want to safely lose weight, please visit our new partner here. You will be directed to a doctor who can safely treat you […]

Do Laxatives Help You Lose Weight?

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Do Laxatives Help You Lose Weight? It has been discovered that about 13000 Americans try to lose excess body weight with laxatives annually (New York Times). Approximately 10.5% of these populations are women within the age of 25-35 years. This statistics is based on the societal and environmental […]

Should You Use Laxatives for Weight Loss?

Laxatives And Weight Loss A lot of people resort to laxatives when they’re looking for fast ways to lose weight. In fact, studies have shown that about 10% of women, aged between 23-25 have made use of laxatives in an attempt to lose weight. However, this causes a lot of concern, because laxatives are not […]