It has been discovered, according to the business magazine, that the degree of efficiency and profitability of a company is directly proportional to its working environment and more, of its workers. This was discovered and started in Athens in Greece. Perhaps your company should try room escape games for corporate team building enhance employee wellness and workplace mental clarity.

You would learn a lot more from an individual playing with them for 1 hour than you would learn while talking to them for a whole year (Plato 427BC).

Best Room Escape Games for Corporate Team Building Enhance Employee Wellness and Workplace Mental Clarity

Individuals that play, and work together, often translate these communication skills into the business world. According to the psychiatry association of America, it was discovered that we function at our best when are happy. When we are pleased, our body releases hormones such as serotonin and dopamine. These hormones make you feel lively and active. An active worker is an efficient worker.

Due to demanding tasks and expectation from various corporate events, it has been discovered that workers productivity decreases due to fatigue, boredom or lack of unity and trust between worker staffs of an industry.  This bond and fun working environment built through various escape artist room game and cooperate activities. Our mental strength is needed to work efficiently in our day to day work activity. Perhaps your company should try room escape games for corporate team building enhance employee wellness and workplace mental clarity.

When we are mentally fatigued, tired, or weak,  our body releases a stress hormone called cortisol, which leads to various emotionally imbalanced behaviors such as aggressiveness, dizziness, boredom, and irritability. These practices are bad for team building, bonding, and productivity.

Best Room Escape Games for Corporate Team Building Enhance Employee Wellness and Workplace Mental Clarity

How Do Room Escape Games Help With Corporate Team Building?

Escape game is very beneficial for the mental and production capacity of a company. It is widely used in countries like Greece because of its cooperate events. Some of the benefits of room escape games includes:

ESCAPE ROOM GAMES PROVIDES AN AVENUE WHERE WORKERS AND STAFF THAT WOULD NORMALLY NOT COMMUNICATE IN OFFICE TO KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER. These new relationships formed among staffs and workers would translate to excellent communication skills during various cooperate events and business functions.  Try room escape games for corporate team building enhance employee wellness and workplace mental clarity.

How Do Room Escape Games Help With Corporate Team Building

Can Escape Room Games Boost Employee Workplace Mental Clarity?

According to a booster break research program done in the United States on workers of an organization, it was discovered that sedentary lifestyle could lead to various hazardous medical conditions such as cardiovascular( heart attack and heart failure), endocrinological(Prediabetes and diabetes) and neurological diseases.

However, the escape room games help to promote an active lifestyle and discourage sedentary lifestyles.

The criteria for being part of the booster research protocol are:

The booster break research reveals that escape room games have lots of benefits om mental clarity. Some of the benefits include:

Team Games and Cooperate Team Building Exercises to Enhance Employee Wellness and Happiness at Their Workplace

There are different escape artist room games to improve the mental state of employees

These games include:

Team Games and Cooperate Team Building Exercises to Enhance Employee Wellness and Happiness at Their Workplace

How Can Team Building Activities Promote Employee Health?

Promotes  health by reducing stress. Team building activities can promote the employee’s health by reducing stress and risk for various medical conditions and diseases. Most of the cardiovascular conditions are linked to stress, obesity, and sedentary lifestyles. Escape artist room games can help promote the employees’ health by reducing stress.   Try room escape games for corporate team building enhance employee wellness and workplace mental clarity.

How to Improve Mental Clarity and Focus in the Workplace

Lifestyle, exercise, rest, diet, games. Focus can be improved in the workplace by consistent active lifestyle, exercise routine, proper rest, good diets and escape room games.

5 Escape Room Tips for Successful Corporate Team Building

Working for a fixed, regular time shift could be tedious, mental tasking and can lead to burn out. Having fun once a while though the escape artist rooms games can help turn your individually talented employee’s into a formidable and cohesive team and unit.  Try room escape games for corporate team building enhance employee wellness and workplace mental clarity for your next company event.

5 Escape Room Tips for Successful Corporate Team Building

References (2017). Off Limits Corporate Events | Team Building Activities. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017].

Great Escape. (2017). Team building – activities – Athens | Great Escape Rooms. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017].

Groupon. (2017). Become an Escape Room Champion. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017].

Groupon. (2017). Become an Escape Room Champion. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017]. (2017). 12 Awesome Team Building Games Your Team Won’t Hate. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017].


By Biotechnology on Incline

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