Safe Ways to Gain Weight

Statistics have shown that there is a lot of information about weight loss than weight gain. Gaining weight involves eating more calories than you burn. There are different ways to gain weight easily without health hazards. There is so much emphasis on obesity and weight loss by different fitness enthusiasts. There are some specific sets of people that are often overlooked, which are the underweight people.

Medically, A person is described as been underweight, when they have a body mass index (BMI) less than 18. 5. The normal body mass index in an average human is 19-25. Having a body mass index greater than 25 means overweight and obesity, while body mass index less than 18,5 is considered underweight. Gaining weight involves feeding your body with more calories than you are burning. There is no shortcut to gaining weight than to eat more and ingest more calories. There are different BMI levels for sportsmen and people that participate in professional sports competitions and physical activity.

10 Best Ways to Gain Weight

There are different information about rapid weight gain but at the expense of the health of the person.  Gaining weight should be done progressively and in the right way to prefer health hazards. Gaining weight in a healthy way involves more than increasing your pizza intake if you are interested in living long and having a good health.

There are healthy ways to eliminate that love handles and shed the excess weight without compromising your health hazards.  The most common ones include:

  1. Increased Frequency: Reduced appetite and restricted calorie intake is the major cause of asthenia and people been underweight. One of the best ways to solve this problem of appetite loss is to increases the feeding frequency. Eating smaller meals for increased frequency of about 5-6 times.  Increased frequency of feeding helps in gaining weight because it puts your body in a state of constant   There is a limit, to the number of nutrients our body can digest and assimilate at once, splitting your food intact into 5-6  smaller menus daily, would maintain a constant stream of nutrients to the vital organs of our body.  The way to lose weight rapidly is to keep moving, weight gain works in a reverse principle which involves eating. Gaining healthy weight especially muscle mass, involve, eating, training, and sleeping. Repeat this cycle consistently for a prolonged period of time would help you gain weight in a healthy way.
  2. Drink Your Calories: Anorexia is a common etiology of most medical conditions in underweight Drinking your calories, especially healthier options are the best ways to ingest more calories without straining your gastrointestinal system. Replacing soft drinks and sugary foods with smoothies made up with fruits in your diet can help you gain weight in a healthy way. This smoothie can provide your body with dense calories and nutrients that you can’t get from other conventional drinks.
  3. Avoid Junk Foods: Most junk foods contain a lot of empty calories that add fat and weight in unnecessary places. Junk foods can increase your weight on the scale, but harmful to your health because of the low nutrient values of this foods. Junk foods are often labeled with a lot of additives and sugars which can predispose an individual to obesity and other cardiovascular diseases. The healthiest way to gain weight is to substitute junk foods for safer options such as fruits and vegetables.
  4. Choose Wisely: Contrary to the general opinion that fruits and vegetable are low in calories, there are specific fruits such as mango and avocados that are calorie-dense. Potatoes and corns are examples of starchy vegetables that are rich in calories and nutrients. Salmon fish and other types of fatty fish are a great source of protein necessary for weight gain.
  5. Top Your Soups: Adding extra cheese, sour cream, and yogurt to your food adds the extra taste and calories needed for bulking. It helps in increasing your calorie The irresistible taste produced by the toppings could cure anorexia and encourage people to eat more.
  6. Garnish your salads: Most models and fitness pundits suggest that sales are needed or weight loss because they are low in calories. Garnishing your salads with different fruits and toppings could boost up the calorie content and help in weight gain.
  7. Eat Cheese: Cheese has been known to be a good source of saturated fat especially low fat cheese. It can be combined all type of pastries and foods. Medical experts always advised that we eat cheese in moderation to avoid diseases like obesity, hypercholesterolemia, and
  8. Nuts: Nuts are very rich in healthy fats and very useful I adding weight t without compromising your health standards and status.
  9. Increased Fluid Intake: it has been discovered through research that increased fluid intake stimulates the satiety center. Drinking a lot of fluid before a meal could make you eat less. Gaining weight could be achieved by drinking a fluid rich in calorie s before, after, or during feeding.
  10. Keeping Food Diary: there is a saying that old habits never die, in our quest to bulk or gain weight, it is necessary to keep a food journal to know which foods are responsible for the weight gain. Different types of foods cause various reaction s when eaten or ingested. Having a food diary is similar to having a personal assistant track your daily food intake and calories. This helps you to discover what types of foods makes you to bloat or react in an unpleasant way after eating them.


Gaining weight is not as popular as its weight loss counterpart, most people are focused on having a lean muscle mass and perfect figure, but there are some sets of underweight people that wish they can receive these excess weight people want to shed.  Gaining weight can be achieved by eaten more calories than you burn. If you want to add more weight, do it the healthier way.



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