Stress has become the go to state in this crazy hectic world. This stress management top 5 is meant to help us eliminate the word stress from our vocabularies and it’s effects from our lifestyle. Life is to be enjoyed and fully lived. We don’t need to waste it on stressing out about deadlines, relationships, health, being cool, or anything else. We only have 24 hours a day, and many of those should be spent doing the things we love with the ones we love, sleeping, eating, and having some leisure time. Work should happen during working hours, and then left behind until tomorrow.

Have you noticed that you have symptoms of stress, such as tension in your neck and shoulders, anxiety, depression, inability to relax and sleep, irritability, and such things? Do you ever have chest pain that has been diagnosed as anxiety and not a heart attack? Do you ever feel that you need to run because haves much adrenaline flowing through your body? Do you feel uptight for no apparent reason? Does your heart feel like might beat out of your chest, and your breathing get shallow and fast?

Fear not. You are in good company. You are not dying. You are stressed. The great news is that there are many things you can do to eliminate those discomfortable symptoms, and even change your brain and nervous system to operate in a healthier way. Check in with your doctor to be sure that your symptom are cased by stress and anxiety, and then try these stress management top 10 steps to stress relief.

Stress Management Top 6

  1. Breathe – When you are stressed and feel anxious,you tend to hold your breath, or take very qyuci and shallow breaths. This can make you feel dizzy and lightheaded, and can cause tingling down your arms and legs. This is simply because you are over breathing and hyperventilating. The quick and easy fix is to simply take some slow deep breaths.

2. Exercise – When you feel stressed, your body releases adrenaline so that you can handle any crisis that arises.

3.Laugh!– Big belly laughs keep stress away!

4. Sunshine!- Turns out your mom had the right idea when she sent you outside to play!

5. Hug Someone!- I mean give them a big bear hug, like you mean it!


6. Eat Healthy Foods! – I include Monavie Active Acai berry juice twice a day!

         Acai berries are full of antioxidants that will help you fight off inflammation that can cause havoc in your body. I buy                               Monavie online. This acai berry juice contains 18 of the healthiest fruits on the planet, all packed into a low carb delicious 2 ounce         dose. My whole team drinks Monavie on the regular, and all of us plan to do so for life. That little acai berry packs quite a punch!

Stress Relief

Stress relief is available to you if you just take a moment to seek it out. Learning how to deal with stress can be a bit difficult when you are in the midst of a situation, but if you will employ these stress management top 5, you will find that you have much less of it in your life.

Life is too short to waste it on feeling stressed and anxious. If these stress management top 5 don’t help alleviate your stress symptoms, then talk to your doctor for further help. Apply some of the healthy habits listed above, like drinking Monavie! Take action so that you can have a healthy life!