Diseases may be grouped, of course, to facilitate healthcare.

Patient subtypes may also be grouped to help improve speed and quality of care, including a clean home environment, because, understandably, some groups are more at risk for some diseases than others. Four major high risk patient groups that doctor is constantly keep a lookout for are introduced here.


This is all humble opinion that helps one particular clinical mind think quickly and effectively. I hope it helps you.


In health care, we break down the diseases in groups, systemic that affect multiple organ systems vs. non-systemic that affect only a certain organ. And systemic diseases are further broken down into autoimmune vs. non-autoimmune diseases, vasculitis diseases vs. non-vasculitis illnesses because blood vessels are in all tissues, and some diseases have problems with their vessels, and others don’t, and so forth, and so on. And the non-systemic, more focal diseases are of course in turn broken down into trauma and non-trauma, and so forth, and so on.

Well, so too are patients broken down into groups to keep it readily available to the clinician’s mindset as to which type of high risk group will do different predictable things when they encounter specific diseases.

Everyone is well aware of high risk patient groups based on genetics, or the immunocompromised. And once they are mastered, it becomes all to easy to know what to look for when a patient presents to doctors office complaining of one thing or another.

As a result, there is a growing awareness of other high risk patient groups in other general classifications of states. The constant awareness of these groups makes it easier for your physician to practice medicine because these different groups of the ill will always behave in characteristic ways. And as health care options become more complex (different drugs, different surgeries, different physical therapies, different foods, different lifestyles, different types of exercise, different levels of quality house keeping), green cleaning products,it makes it much easier to practice good medicine if you treat for risk, thus, knowing quickly and at times what these four general types of patients constantly present into medical care will do.

These are for high risk groups of patients that I propose you constantly keep in mind to understand how different sectors of our population respond to different types of diseases. So, based on these high risk states, you can be comfortable about what they are more likely to do when they present with a certain illness in a certain way.

  1. Low flow states
  2. Atherosclerotic
  3. Hypercoagulable
  4. Cardiac disease

And there are clues pointing to each of these conditions. If you can identify the clues, you can identify these patients. If you can identify these patients, you know how they will respond to certain diseases in certain situations. Thus, you will quickly know what to do for them.

If you can Identify them as quickly as possible by using clues… That way you can care for them as quickly and correctly as possible, instead of fumbling about looking for and or treating for things they are not risk for, and missing the diagnosis regularly, and hurting them.

At first glance, it seems as if they are just a breakdown in cardiovascular diseases of the blood and vessels. Maybe so, but our population lives a lifestyle that affects our blood vessels in different ways. And in these four major groups of people, you can identify problems they will have long before they have them, if you keep these groups in mind, and are constantly looking for them to avoid missing them so that you can help them!

As our awareness of the stem cells in our body increases, the importance of vessel help becomes paramount. That is, of course, because stem cells line all the tassels. That’s where they live. So if our vessels are diseased in these for different ways, how are stem cells are diseased and these four different ways. And diseased stem cells cannot heal us. If our vessels are diseased, furthermore, our stem cells cannot move into that body part to help that body part. So the vessels and these four main high risk groups (and our stem cells!) must be constantly remembered… If you’re going to do good things in the arena of healthcare in the future.


Diseases are going to affect end organs in these high risk like the heart, the brain. and the gut, in different ways.

Four main groups folks. Inflammation versus non-inflammation, all very important. Genetics versus non-genetics, of course. The immunocompromised versus non-immunocompromised, clearly of importance.

But vascular diseases that involve inflammation and poor access to tissue can hurt our health in the long run and in high acuity, emergency situations. And stem cells, exosomes, their access to tissues is resolving perfusion, so long term consistent exercise, nitric acid… These are what are going to help us resolve the problems, any type of problems, that affect these high-risk patient groups.

Not just cholesterol and statins!

Insurance companies certainly have a hold on us, and exercised that death grip in recent times. We have been shackled by them for decades. Them and big Pharma. Thank Christ things are loosening now. But… If insurance companies got a hold of this and these four patient groups, they would have a field day! Hopefully they will never show any interest in this aspect of healthcare.

If they had any intelligence at all, they would show great interest in stem cells which are the key to understanding high risk patients like these in long-term health settings, as well as in life and death situations in the emergency room.

I will discuss each one of these groups

  1. Low flow states
  2. Atherosclerotic
  3. Hypercoagulable
  4. Cardiac disease

in their own topic in the near future.

But the principle is, if there is inflammation, it must heal. And the two ways it can heal, in any of these high risk states, and in most disease in general, so that the organs can continue perfuse and function, is with increased vascularity, and stem cells which are the healing cells of the body. Fortunately, everyone is realizing that we have access to those stem cells now, in great abundance.