


Xanax, also known as alprazolam, with Xanax being the brand name is a drug used to manage the symptoms of people with panic disorders and anxiety. It belongs to a class of drugs known as the benzodiazepines and can be used for treating of a wide range of mental and physical disorders. However it most prioritized use is the above mentioned.

Although it can be a very effective treatment, it can also be a very addictive drug, and this addiction can develop in both prescribed and illegal users of this drug. Due to its possibility of leading to physical dependence, one may think this drug is an opiate, but it’s not, rather it is a tranquilizer (having a minor tranquilizing effect).

What is an Opiate?

This is a medically prescribed or an illegal drug that acts on the brain/ CNS (central nervous system) by depressing its activity to relieve pain. From this definition, one will get to understand that, although some may think of Xanax as an opiate, it is most certainly not. As it primary function is as a sedative rather than a pain reliever.

Is Xanax Addictive?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions in regards to this particular prescription drug. Whether it is a question regularly searched on Google, or even just an inquiry made to a physician or a friend, the answer will always be that ‘yes’ Xanax is addictive.

Xanax gives off and also receives an increased quantity of dopamine, which is a well-known neurotransmitter that is in charge of the reward and pleasure centers of the brain. Taking this drug reduces the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain, meaning that the barrier between the dopamine producers and receptors are less. The brain then receives more dopamine, thereby increasing the feelings of pleasure and decreasing panic feelings, anxiety and other unpleasant mental states. This rush in dopamine can lead to a good (euphoric) feeling for some people, and that is the effect people want to experience when they misuse this drug.

Xanax is prescribed more regularly for generalized anxiety and panic disorders, a link that can help explain part of the high Xanax addiction rates. People with anxiety tend to have an increased possibility of addiction than the general population due to the fact that it is easier for them to rely on a prescription drug to help ease their suffering. It is also possible for Xanax addiction to occur even when it is being used as prescribed. The time it takes for this addiction to set in, varies from one person to another and also depends on other substance habits, one’s brain chemistry, including the frequency and quantity being used, and of course other environmental factors. But Xanax addiction is most unlikely if used in lower doses.






Signs and Symptoms of Xanax Addiction


Recognizing the Xanax addiction signs and symptoms is very important in knowing when to seek help. Xanax addiction can be severe and can affect a person’s mood, behavior and including one’s physical characteristics. Some of the most typical signs and symptoms of Xanax addiction include depression, agitation, anxiety, hyperactivity or restlessness, dizziness, tremors, diarrhea, slurred speech, seizures, agitation, mania, dry mouth, and heart palpitations.


Signs of Opiate Withdrawal


The symptoms one is likely to experience will depend greatly on the level of withdrawal one is experiencing. I addition, a lot of factors will also dictate how long one is going to experience this withdrawal symptom. Due to this, everyone gets to experience opioid withdrawal differently. Nevertheless, there is usually a timeline for how this symptom’s progress.

Early signs and symptoms usually begin within the first 24 hours. This commencement occurs especially after the discontinuation of the drug, and they include anxiety, depression, drug craving, restlessness, muscle aches, inability to sleep, running nose, tearing of the eyes, excessive sweating. Late signs and symptoms: goosebumps on the skin, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps, pupils will be dilated and possibly accompanied by blurry vision, and rapid heartbeat.


Xanax as an Opiate Withdrawal Treatment


Using Xanax for opiate withdrawal has become more popular due to its ability to treat anxiety, restless leg syndrome, psychological terror, insomnia, poor appetite, muscle tension and soreness, of which most if not all are accompanied opiate withdrawal signs and symptoms.

Taking Xanax for opiate withdrawal can be a lifesaver if done appropriately. First of all one need to consider the fact that Xanax can be very addictive, so the idea of self-medication is not advised; the drug should be taken under the supervision of a primary physician. Next, due to the differences in severity of opiate addiction and some biochemical discrepancies, there is no set dosage of Xanax for opiate withdrawal. One is advised to take the least dose of Xanax necessary to reach opiate withdrawal symptoms relief. It is advised to discontinue Xanax after the first three to four days, as the worst of the withdrawals symptoms should be over by the fifth day and this way one is less likely to develop a physical dependence on Xanax, in other words, another addiction.

The idea in general behind Xanax and opiate withdrawal is that it will help with certain symptoms such as anxiety and insomnia. Xanax has a calming effect and can help with things like insomnia, but it’s not generally recommended for use during opiate withdrawal unless it has been instructed by a medical professional. If one uses Xanax and then by any chance ends up relapsing on opioids, the combination can be life-threatening. Opioids and benzodiazepines used together can and more often does lead to fatal respiratory depression because they both slow down the CNS (central nervous system). As previously stated, Xanax is very addictive same as opiates. If anyone is regularly using Xanax to help get through opiate withdrawal, it most likely that one may replace one addiction with another. And for someone who becomes dependent on this drug, withdrawal can be even more serious than it is with opiates and opioids. It is on rare occasions that a medical professional advises the use of Xanax for opiate withdrawal, and nobody should ever try to self-medicate during opiate withdrawal either, because one’s life is at stake.









Crawford, C. (2018). Xanax for Opiate Withdrawal. Retrieved from

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Finch, M., John, J., mclaren, j., GG, S., & a, m. (2015). How To Use Xanax For Opiate Withdrawal – Opiate Addiction Support. Retrieved from

  1. Legg, T. (2017). Opioid and Opiate Withdrawal: Symptoms and Treatments. Retrieved from

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