Red Meat Tied to Higher Colon Cancer Risk in Women

Recently, specialists at the University of Leeds studied data from a United Kingdom Women’s Cohort Study of about thirty-two thousand females from different parts of the UK. The World Cancer Research Fund enlisted them for about three years from 1995, and a follow up was carried out for the following 17 years. Researchers found that […]

Be Wary of These Cancer Cures

There are different approaches to the treatment of cancer. Certain factors, like the type of cancer and the patient’s medical history, are considered when choosing a treatment type. The benefits and disadvantages of available treatments are always discussed with the patient before treatment. Most of these treatments come with their adverse effects. Learning about these […]

20 Cancer Signs Never To Ignore

Cancer is a deadly disease that occurs when cellular changes in the body cause an uncontrollable growth and division of cells. Cells in the human body have a lifespan, new cells are created when old cells die. Cancer cells, however, do not die but proliferate and spread. The cells use the nutrients and oxygen in […]

Are Skin Tags an Early Sign of Cancer

When we experience a form of growth on or in any part of our body, we tend to attribute it to be cancerous. As we all know that cancer happens to be a very deadly disease that can lead to loss of life. This is why people are so careful with growths on any part […]

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia caused by lack of germs in early childhood

A research finding shows a relationship between early infections in childhood and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. It provided a strong evidence to support that children who are not exposed to microbial germs, raised up in a cleaner environment and interacted less with other children in their first year, are more likely to develop acute lymphoblastic leukemia. […]

Signs of Breast Cancer in Men

While we look for and discuss the signs and symptoms of breast cancer in men, we must educate people on what breast cancer in men is all about. We are meant to understand that in men, there are breast tissues that cannot produce milk. However, these are still concentrated on the chest wall, which is […]

These Symptoms May Signal Kidney Cancer

The kidney is one of the vital organs of the body and helps the whole body system function properly. The kidneys are located at the back just under the human rib, and they are two bean-shaped, fist-sized organs. The kidney helps the body to filter the toxic waste from the body as it also stops […]

Lung Cancer Warning Signs

The lungs are two spongy organs that are located in the chest. This spongy organ helps to take into the body oxygen when the individual inhales and releases carbon dioxide from the body when the individual exhales. This is one of the vital organs that are responsible for the removal of toxins that are inhaled […]

Melanoma On The Rise, Is Early Screening The Answer?

Looking for a Dermatologist near you? Let us help! Click here to connect with a dermatologist in your area. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops in the cells that produce melanin. Melanin is the pigment that gives the skin its color. This disease can also develop in the eyes and also in […]

10 Things You Need to Know About Testicular Cancer

What is Testicular Cancer?   Testicular cancer is a group of cancers that evolve or arise from the testicle itself, which produce sperm and male sex hormone (testosterone). Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in males aged 18 to 35. There are several types of testicular cancers.  Seminomas and Non-seminomas are the two types […]

10 Things To Know About Blood Cancer

10 things to know about blood cancer

Connect With A Hematologist Near You Full Name Email Phone Number Postal Code Submit Blood is made of various types of cells. These cells perform different functions. Blood has both cellular and non-cellular components. However, the majority of these come from hematopoietic stem cells in the bone. The cellular component of the blood consists of […]

Hematology Oncology Specialists

Connect With A Hematologist Near You Full Name Email Phone Number Postal Code Submit Hematology-Oncology is a field of medicine that has to do with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of blood diseases and cancer. In addition to all these, this field also deals with the research into this type of diseases. Some of the […]

Breast Cancer Treatment Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2 and Stage 3

What is Breast Cancer?

It is one of the top five leading types of cancer in women. Breast cancer occurs when the cells of the breast begin to grow abnormally (grows out of control). It occurs hundred times more in women than in men. It is one of the cancer causes of death in women. It occurs more in women who are greater than 55 years of age, women who have family history of breast cancer, women with BRCA1 and BRCA 2 gene mutation (BRCA means breast cancer gene), women with dense breast tissue, women that have had radiation before to their chest because of another type of cancer. Caucasians are more prone to breast cancer development than African American race. Breast cancer treatment varies depending on the stage. There are five stages of breast cancer. They are stages 0 through 5. Each stage also has its own likely outcome.

Are Dense Breasts More Prone To Breast Cancer?

Studies have shown that dense breasts are more prone to cancer. According to a study performed by some Norwegian researchers, women with dense breasts are more prone to developing breast cancer. This study involved over 100,000 women, while about 300,000 women were screened for the examination. Before going into the details, it’s important to know […]

What are the Early Signs and Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer?

Find An Endocrinologist Near Me What is Thyroid Cancer?   Thyroid cancer is the malignant tumor of the thyroid gland. It is not a common disease, and it is more prevalent in women. There are different types of thyroid cancer, and they include papillary, follicular, anaplastic, lymphoma, and medullary cell. How Serious is Thyroid Cancer? […]

5 Early Signs of Colon Cancer You shouldn’t ignore

Colon cancer affects the lower gastrointestinal tract which is the large intestine. It can also involve the rectum. It is the third leading cancer among men and women and even the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality. Early signs of colon cancer usually occur in late adult life. Below are early signs to look for

Skin Cancer Treatment-Including Micrographic Surgery

Connect With A Dermatologist Near You Full Name Email Phone Number Postal Code Submit Most skin cancers are a locally destructive growth of the skin. However, the majority of these diseases are detected before they spread. Abnormal skin growth usually starts from the epidermis, the most superficial part of the skin. Except for cutaneous malignant […]

Glioblastoma Brain Tumor Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

What is a Glioblastoma? Glioblastomas are common and highly malignant tumors that come from astrocytes (cells that are in the shape of stars which the supportive tissue of the brain is made up of). These cells are produced rather rapidly, and a massive network of blood vessels supports them. Towards the center of the tumor, […]

Hodgkin’s Disease

Find A Hematologist Near Me Thomas Hodgkin, the man who first explained the abnormalities taking place in the lymphatic system in 1982. Although he did not note this, the first explanation may have been given in 1966 by Marcello Malpighi. Since then they have been newer findings and developments, and even till date researchers are […]

Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer that should not be Ignored

Ovarian cancer is the 11th most common and the 5th deadliest cancer in women, making it a source of concern for most women worldwide. The average age of ovarian cancer development in women is 55-64 years. Most people are diagnosed at the age of 63, and the average death is around 70 years of age. The […]

Do Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements Raise the Risk of Colon Cancer?

The musculoskeletal system is made of a lot of bones that helps in locomotion and protection of vital structures. The human diet often contains inadequate essential nutrients and minerals needed for proper functioning of our body.  An average person consumes a meal high in carbohydrates and fats but lacking critical nutrients such as calcium and […]

Melanoma Prevention Detection and Treatment

Connect With A Dermatologist Near You Full Name Email Phone Number Postal Code Submit Melanoma is the most dangerous cancer that affects the skin. Melanoma develops in the melanin producing-cells. Melanin is a pigment that is responsible for the color of the skin. However, some people have more melanin than other people. Melanoma predominantly develops […]

What is the Treatment for Malignant Melanoma?

Connect With A Dermatologist Near You Full Name Email Phone Number Postal Code Submit Malignant melanomas are aggressive and life-threatening cancers that affect the skin. It often arises from the skin producing cells called melanocytes. It is life-threatening and dangerous because of its ability to metastasize and spread to other parts of the body. The […]

Is There A Roundup Cancer Connection?

 Roundup is a herbicide that is used for the destruction and elimination of different kinds of plants and herbs. The unique feature of the Roundup weed killer is that it is broad-spectrum. This implies that it can be used to destroy a wide range of plants. The main component of this herbicide is a chemical […]

Can Your Cell Phone Give You Brain Cancer?

We live in a technophobe era, where everyone is thoroughly engrossed and addicted to their mobile phones. There is almost nothing we can’t do with our mobile device.  Gone are the days, where, you need to send letters through long distances to communicate with your loved ones and family members. There has been a lot […]